Chapter ten

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Italy was right.

Germany did in fact yell, he yelled loudly, angrily, and with a weird sense of vigor.

"-should have done this months ago, Italien!" Canada cringed as he passed his study. "And once again I have to help you pick up your slack!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Sorry doesn't fix this!"

'Then don't help! If it bugs you so much; we were doing just fine without you!' Canada couldn't help but rather indignantly think. Still, Canada pushed his feelings down, after all, Germany did say it best at one point:

"Nothing ever gets done with coddling."

But that doesn't mean he has to be a dick about the situation.

Canada wanted to help, he figured with the three of them they'd get done faster, but Germany pushed Canada out of the study (It's Canada's own study dammit!) and basically told Canada: "Thanks but no thanks." (Okay, Canada may have paraphrased it.) Germany was a stern, protective, and paranoid man. Still, Canada thought maybe there might have been more than that deep down. That yes, the war was over, but Canada felt that Germany had his reservations about an 'Ally' looking over Italy's paperwork.

Or that he's afraid of the very thing that started the war (many wars in fact) allegiances. A secret allegiance between two G7 members would for sure stir something up amongst the UN.

But at the same time...

What kind of Lameass allegiance would North Italy and Canada have?! They're two of the nicest/weakest nations. They pose absolutely no threat to anybody. (except for maybe themselves.)

Canada only shook his head once again and entered his living room. "Not the Sunday I was expecting." Canada started a conversation with Cuba and sat down on the loveseat next to Cuba.

"Me neither. Can you believe Italy just... left! Puta is lucky! If I was his president I'd come here myself and grab him by the ear." Cuba laughed a little.

Canada stretched his legs over Cuba's lap. (Cuba never minded when Canada did this) Canada then let out a loud sigh and rested his head on the armrest. "I know damn well Justin would lock me up for doing such a thing."

"Whoa, Prison?"

"No, not that kind of lock-up. More like a grounding of sorts. Secret service at my house, not allowed to leave, the whole shebang."

"Sounds like this actually happened to you before."Canada couldn't hide his smile and Cuba gave a surprised noise in response. "Seriously?"

"It happened once, yes, Justin was in office at the time. In fact, I think it was his year. He pissed me off, we actually got into a rather loud argument. So, I left." Canada shrugged. "I left for France's for... five days."

"Five days?"


"And France allowed it?"

"France didn't know why I left, to him was just a surprise visit."

"Oh Dios mío... well, let me guess, Justin was waiting for you when you came back?"

"Mmmm..." Canada grimaced with a mixture of amusement and guilt. "No... well, yes... Let's put it this way. England wasn't exactly happy having to get me on the fifth day."

"He didn't.."

"Yeah... he did. England snatched me by the ear and didn't let go until I boarded that plane back home. I also got an earful about how 'You're acting like a child!' and 'You're showing out! Like America! Just because you didn't get your way doesn't mean you get to run away!' and the classic 'You're a nation! Act like it!'." Canada dryly laughed at the memory.

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