Chapter four

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"It's really a shame you have to go so soon," Italy spoke softly to Canada as the two of them quickly walked through the airport terminal.

Though Canada had booked an evening flight his boss had frantically called him early the next morning and told him (LAST MINUTE!) That he changed flight times for Canada to come home. So instead of five O'clock pm like he had planned his boss changed it to noon and didn't send Canada the message until nine am! The damn hoser!

When Canada had asked him about the time change his only response was "Kuma."

Kumajenga... no that's not right.

Kumajiro is Canada pet polar bear, and even though the polar bear doesn't even remember who Canada is he still gets very antsy whenever Canada stays away for too long. Kumajiro was honestly just a baby when Canada found him all those years ago and because he stuck around Canada for so long his aging started to slow down. It's... honestly slightly complicated and gives Canada a headache when he thinks about it for too long.

So, here he was hurriedly rushing down the terminal with Italy in tow. He could see his gate coming up and he stopped to look at Italy. "Thank you for having me."

"Thank you for coming!" Italy happily jumped and hugged Canada tightly. "And uh..." Italy quickly let go of Canada as a faint blush swept across his face. "Thanks for putting up with me last night..."

"No problem, hey, I get it..."

"Hey! Maybe next time I'll come and visit you!"

"I'd like that!" Canada smiled at Italy. "Just make sure to bring warm clothes-"

"All boarding flight QK145 to Montreal Canada! All boarding flight QK145 to Montreal Canada." a woman's voice spoke over the speakers, the message then repeated in Italian.

"Well, I think that's me." Canada smiled at Italy. "Made it just in time."

"Y-Yep..." Italy seemed to have a bit of a frown on his face and Canada gave him a soft shove with his shoulder.

"Chin up." Canada smiled, but Italy wasn't smiling. So, seeing no other choice, Canada wiped out a pen and tore off a piece of his luggage tag. It was just enough so he could write down his number. "Text me?" He asked Italy softly as he then wrapped Italy's hands around the piece of paper.

There's that smile. "Si!" Italy grinned before, once again, wrapping his arm's around Canada and bringing him in for a tight hug.

Canada laughed and hugged Italy back. "Alright, alright! I have to go before I miss my flight. Text me!" Canada let go of Italy and started to run off towards the line.

"I will!" Italy called off after him. Canada looked back for just a moment and he saw Italy waving him goodbye. Canada gave him his own wave goodbye before going into the line.

It was pretty easy after that. He showed them his pass and went to his seat. He sat in the front of the plane, row B seat 6 right at the window, how he liked it. Canada managed to shove his suitcase in the overhead compartment and take his seat fairly quickly without holding up the line too much. He hasn't even sat in his seat for a minute when his phone dinged. He had gotten a new text.

I already miss you :(

It was, not surprising in the least bit, Italy who had texted him.

Aw, sorry I couldn't stay for longer, but the boss needed me. Canada texted back.

It wasn't even a minute before the next text came in.

I know how that feels! My boss actually wants me to go back to work tomorrow >:p

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