Chapter three

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All that could be heard was the sound of the waves hitting the beach. The air that night was stiff and humid. All the major confrontations between the Axis and Allies always seemed to happen on this particular beach? Canada was flanked by his right by America. America wasn't yelling and chanting about how he was the hero, no not today it seemed. No, all of the Allies were unusually quiet on this day. France and England weren't even bickering for bickering sake.

Canada could see off in the distance the orange glow of a fire.

Again, nothing was said as they approached the light. The mood was heavy and just all around... sad. There was nothing else to be said, it was just sad.

Soon, as they approached the fire and all of the Axis powers. All of them. It wasn't just Japan, Germany, and North Italy like before. Laying around the fire was Prussia, Japan, Germany, Hungary, Austria, and North Italy.

All of them had clearly seen better days.

Italy was laying on his side, curled up in a ball, his usual curl that hung off the side of his head was limp and lifeless now. He hand bandages wrapped around his head, fingers, upper arms, and calves. All where had been hit by Allies attacks. He wasn't in uniform, none of them were really. His navy blue jacket hanging off of his shoulders, the only reason they knew he was alive was that his fingers would twitch just slightly.

Laying next to Italy, like right next to him surprisingly, was Japan. Italy might have looked bad, but it was nothing compared to Japan. Then again. Those bombs America dropped haven't exactly been simple little ones. Japan's usual pristine white uniform now stained a dark red in two spots. His right hip, and his lower left leg. It was clear that he was bandaged up in those spots, but the bandages did jack shit as he was still bleeding rather heavily. Like Italy, the only way they knew he was alive was the way his leg would just weakly twitch. Japan, the one who would tell people to keep their distance, had his arms wrapped rather tightly around Italy's back. Whether it was because he wanted comfort or because he was trying to comfort Italy, none of them knew.

Austria and Hungary were also laying next to each other. Austria had his head buried in the crook of Hungary's neck and his arms wrapped tightly around her waist as he held her close. Like the others, they both appeared to be asleep. Hungary had a bloodied bandaged wrapped tightly around her right eye and neck. She was bloodied and pretty banged up.

Austria didn't look as bad as the rest. He had a pretty bad bruise on the crown of his head and a ruined jacket, but that didn't mean he or his people weren't suffering. Then again maybe that's because Germany took a good chunk of damage to protect Austria.

Speaking of Germany. The only two awake. Prussia and Germany. Prussia was the one who was currently trying to help bandage his bleeding and almost dying brother. It would make sense as out of all of them Prussia was the least damaged. Germany was still very much awake though, but he was focusing on the approaching allies. No, his eyes were solely on North Italy's still form. Italy wasn't even snoring.

Prussia's red eyes flickered to the Allies and he stood, clearly ready to start throwing hands. Why wouldn't he? Everyone he loves was all currently fighting for their lives because of the Allies and he was the only one able to do anything to help.

Canada tensed and almost got ready to start fighting- but America put a hand on Canada's shoulder. He didn't see why until he focused back on Germany.

Germany was standing now, just barely able to do so. He was hunched over and almost seemed ready to just collapse on himself. Canada was pretty sure that one of his legs had to be broken. As Germany just barely hobbled over to Italy. "West-" Prussia started but Germany ignored his brother. Instead, he went over to Italy and picked something off of the ground by Italy.

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