Chapter two

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It honestly took Canada about two weeks to call Italy up. Italy sounded excited to have Canada over. So excited in fact that he told Canada that they'd make it a sleep-over and he could stay the weekend. Italy was rather persistent about it. Canada decided that Italy did have a point, why not take a few days off? So, he informed his Prime Minister of his leave of absence and went on his way.

Canada looked around the airport. Italy was supposed to be picking him up. He rolled his suitcase behind him as he went passed a few people. The last time he ever been to Italy was in 1943 to try and convince Italy to stray away from Germany... It didn't really work, but he tried... it cost him over 26,000 soldiers in the end...He was going to try his hardest not to think about that.

"Hey!" A familiar harsh voice suddenly snapped Canada out of his thoughts. To his surprise he could see Romano, not Northern Italy, standing there with a sign in his hands. It was a simple large white piece of paper. In bright red lettering in, rather pretty cursive handwriting, read: Matthew Williams and there was a cute little red maple leaf drawn in the corner. "You're Matthew, right?!" Romano all but screamed as he pointed right in Matthew's direction. Of course, this had not only gotten Matthew's attention but a few passerby's as well. Some of which yelled back at him in Italian, in which Romano starting screaming back at them.

Canada didn't know much Italian, but he recognized a few keywords as one Italian yelled "Southerner!" At him and Romano yelled back in an equal fervent display of screaming, puffing his chest, beating his chest with his right hand, and growing rather red in the face. It ended with Romano flipping the man the bird, in which the man returned the favor but simply walked off afterward. Canada waited for a good few seconds before finally walking up to Romano.

"C-Ciao." Matthew greeted the other rather nervously. Romano only raised an eyebrow before shaking his head.

"Don't even attempt." Romano just sighed out before muttering something in Italian that Matthew couldn't understand.

"Sorry..." He whispered.

"Let's just go." Romano gave a bit of a huff. With a nod, Canada followed Romano out of the building and to a waiting car.

"You guys don't drive yourselves?" Canada questioned as he put his suitcase into the trunk of the car.

"Bah, we use to... until Feliciano got into one too many accidents...President thought it best if we get drivers for everyone's safety."

"Ah." Canada could only wonder how much of a terrifying driver Italy truly was. He's heard stories of Italy's rather reckless driving but never witnessed it first hand. That was probably a good thing. Canada got into the backseat with Romano. The car took off not far after that. Canada looked over at Romano, who was now more interested in his phone than the Canadian.

There were a few seconds of silence between the two of them as all Canada could hear was Romano's phone clicking with each tap he made. Finally, the silence got just a bit too much and so Canada broke it: "Hey if you don't mind me asking-" Romano paused tapping his phone to listen, but didn't look at Canada."-Italy told me he was going to pick me up..." The question wasn't stated but was very much there. Romano's tapping resumed and Canada felt like his question was going to go ignored until-

"Veneziano- The idiota- had to go and quickly buy more paint. He asked me to pick you up..."

"Oh! That's cool..." The air turned rather heavy after that. Romano's tapping continued almost rhythmically like he was playing some sort of game to pass the time. Canada's mind ran a blank as he was unable to think of any more conversation starters. So, instead, he just looked out the window of the car. He took in some of the views and noted how different Italy really looked now versus back then. It was less of a wartorn battleground now. Obviously.

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