Government Property ~ S.R.

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This was written for 

I hope you like it!!!!

Warnings: mentions of sex

A/N: Sorry this is so short! I would write smut but IDK how. It would probably be so awkward.

Word count: 1079 words

     It was your husband's dreaded alarm that woke you from your sleep. You felt him shift to turn off the said alarm. He rolled onto his side and pressed a kiss to your bare shoulder.

     You must've dozed off for a few more minutes after that because when you opened your eyes, he was in your shared bathroom. From your spot on the bed, you could see all the marks littering his neck and shoulders from the night before. You got up and snuck behind him, wrapping your arms around his torso.

"Morning." His voice was rough, still coated with sleep. Even the great Captain America had trouble waking up sometimes.

"Morning." You replied.

"How'd you sleep?

"Good. And you?"

"Great. I did have you by my side after all."

You laughed. "You're such a goofball." He loosened your arms to turn around and face you.

"But I'm your goofball." He hugged you. "How do you feel? Ya know, after last night?"

     Let's just say you two had a rough day at work yesterday and to make each other feel better, you made love all night. At first, it was rough and fast-paced. You mainly focused on getting the anger and frustration out. But as you went on, it became more sensual and loving.

"Sore. I think you bruised it."

"I'm sorry, doll."

"It's okay. Was completely worth it." You caught him staring at the marks he left on you.

"You should see the ones I left on you." His eyes widened and he quickly turned around to face the mirror.

"Shit," he ran his hand over one of the dark purple bruises on his jawline and neck. "I can't even hide these! My suit doesn't cover there!"

You laughed. "Oh well. Guess everyone will know that your mine." You began to kiss his neck. He groaned your name. A warning to stop. But you didn't. You began to suck a new hickey on his neck. You didn't even get to form a proper bruise before you were pinned against the bathroom wall, his arms on each side of your head.

"Doll, you start now, I won't be able to control myself. Then you will be the one to explain to Fury as to why we were late."

"Love to see that. His face when I tell him that we were having sex. That'd be priceless." You quickly duck under his arm and go to get dressed. Not before noticing the obvious tent in his pants. You snickered to yourself. From the bathroom, you heard him yell.

"You are so getting it when we get home!"

     You were doing paperwork in your office. Bored out of your mind. Nothing new. This was how your day usually went. You would both head out, kissing each other as you walk outside the door, get into, or on, your vehicles. And head to work. Steve worked with the Avengers and S.H.I.E.LD, everyone knew that, while you worked for a law firm agency. He usually had a meeting first thing in the morning. But the minute you step into your office, every day, without fail, there was a stack of papers that needed to be checked/signed on your desk.

This now marks hour five of doing dreaded paperwork. You wished something eventful would happen.

Strangely, your wish came true. A few minutes after you thought that your office phone rang. You put it on speaker so you could do your work.

"Mrs. Rogers office how may I help you?" You said absentmindedly.

"Mrs. Rogers." Oh shit. You knew that voice. It was Fury.

"Sir? With all due respect, why are you calling me? Aren't you in a meeting the Avengers?"

"I am. And they're about to hear what I have to say to you."

Oh shit. You were in trouble. For what, you had no clue. You stopped writing and listened.

"Mrs. Rogers, you have defaced government property."

You were beyond confused.


"Captain America was created by the government's military. Therefore they technically own him. The marks you left on him are, once again, technically defacing him."

     This was too good to be true. His end of the line went silent. That's when you burst out laughing. It was the kind of laughter that made you double over. You laughed for a good solid five minutes.

"Are you done, Mrs. Rogers?"

"Oh my god! Are you serious?!" You laughed.

"Do I ever joke?"

"Fair point."

"I understand that he's your husband, but please if you're going to deface government property, do it where no one else can see it. Thank you and have a good day ma'am." With that, he hung up. You couldn't believe it. You just got scolded for leaving hickeys on your husband who was owned by the government. Oh yeah, you got a real kick out of this.

     You were laughing so hard that one of your coworkers had to step in your office to make sure you were still breathing. You were so gonna tease Steve for this.

     You got home at 6:00, way before Steve did. He usually got out at 7:30 if he was lucky. You made dinner at 7:00, putting it in the oven to keep it warm. You even showered during that time. Now all you had to do was wait.

     It was almost 8 when Steve got home. You heard his motorcycle first. Then the front door opening. You stood up and walked to greet him.

"Hi, honey! How was- whoa!" You couldn't even finish your sentence. Steve had picked you up and slung you over his shoulder, his arm holding you by the back of your knees. "Steve what are you doing?!"

"Did you forget what happened today? Hm? The entire team teased me for the entire day and Fury told me that he better not see any more marks. You are in big trouble missy."

It was safe to say that you knew where he was taking you.

The bedroom.

He opened the door, making sure you were both fully in before closing it. He threw you into the bed, you let out an 'oof' as you bounced on the plush mattress.

The dinner in the oven was long forgotten that night.

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