The Wildfire (Short)

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After the fight that night the internet blew up, the forums, the articles and the many different MMA YouTube channels were discussing the fight. That night the name Boyka rang all over the internet, it didn't stop there as even Nikolai's home country Russia. Nikolai was actually quite nervous of this new fame he has gotten, he had to take cover where ever he went. Right now he was on his way to the gym in a hoodie carrying his training bag, from left to right he can hear the bystanders talking about him.

Man 1: "That was just...Wow"

Man 2: "That fight was out of nowhere"

Girl 1: "He's new to the UFC and yet he was able to take down one of the reigning fighters"

Girl 2: "Nah Nolan wouldn't be in that rank, that would be any of the guys or gals in Atlas"

Nikolai dashes past the group and enters the UFC gym, he signs in and enters the gym. Once he enters he can hear some other fighters speaking amongst themselves, Nikolai put down his bag and put on the gloves. Before he can even throw a punch he heard the door slammed open, it was Cardin.

Cardin: "Where's Boyka?!"

Cardin looked around to see the Russian fighter, pissed off he confronted him.

Cardin: "That was supposed to be my fight! You shouldn't be here! I should!"

Nikolai: "Well maybe you shouldn't have been a dick, besides I heard that you were the easiest to beat anyways"

Cardin: "Do you think you can beat me?"

Nikolai: "I've done it once I can do it again"

Cardin: "Then lets do it! In the ring"

Nikolai: "No screw the ring! Right here right now!"

The two were ready to fight until...

???: "Hey! Cut it out both of you!"

Ozpin walked in, everyone turned their attention to him.

Ozpin: "Mr Winchester, do not try to start a fight with Nikolai"

Cardin: "Why did this prick get to fight MY opponent?"

Ozpin: "Mr Winchester, Nikolai just participated to fight your fight when you are injured. He could've declined but he was able to earn a win for the Vale division"

Cardin: "That should've been my fight! This is bull-"

Nikolai: "Shut your fucking mouth"

Everyone turned their attention to Nikolai.

Nikolai: "I fought because they asked me to, I didn't even know you were a fighter seeing what kind of prick you are"

Cardin: "What did you say to me?!"

Ozpin: "Enough!"

The two looked at Ozpin.

Ozpin: "We will settle this in the ring"

Cardin smirked while Nikolai placed his bag down and took out his mouth guard and went into the ring, Cardin came in with his mouth guard and gloves. Nikolai put the mouth guard in and got ready to fight, Ozpin went to the center of the ring being referee for the match. Everyone watched in anticipation.

Ozpin: "Fight!"

Cardin came in with two kicks which Nikolai lazily blocked, Nikolai then went for a hook which Cardin ducked under and threw a hook which Nikolai absorbed. Cardin the blocked Nikolai's hook while Nikolai hit Cardin's knee with his elbow, hit him with a one two and absorbed his punch, Nikolai anticipated and evades Cardin's push kick and hit him in the face with a 540 tornado kick knocking his mouth guard out.

 Cardin the blocked Nikolai's hook while Nikolai hit Cardin's knee with his elbow, hit him with a one two and absorbed his punch, Nikolai anticipated and evades Cardin's push kick and hit him in the face with a 540 tornado kick knocking his mouth ...

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Cardin looked up rubbing his jaw, he looked at Nikolai who had his mouth guard in hand.

Nikolai: "Stay the fuck down"

Cardin charged at him, Nikolai knocked him back with a back side kick. Nikolai then went for a swing kick which Cardin dodged giving Nikolai the chance to kick his face with the other leg breaking his nose, he kip upped to his feet.

 Nikolai then went for a swing kick which Cardin dodged giving Nikolai the chance to kick his face with the other leg breaking his nose, he kip upped to his feet

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Cardin felt the blood oozing from his nose and his tears blinded him, Nikolai took off his mouth guard and helped him up out of sympathy.

Nikolai: "I never meant any harm to your career, they asked me to fight. I hope you understand"

Nikolai helped him to the nursing area of the building and went back into the gym. Nikolai felt that his newly gained reputation is both a badge and a burden which will continue to grow. He was ready for what is ahead, for he was Nikolai Boyka: The son of the most complete fighter in the world.

Vale's Undisputed Fighter (Rwby MMA AU X Son of Yuri Boyka)Where stories live. Discover now