Boyka's Debut

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Nikolai was in the car with squad RWBY after their training session, they were driving to the central Vale where the fight between Nikolai and Nolan was taking place. Nikolai held onto the cross necklace in his hand easing himself for the fight.

Ruby: "Nervous about your first fight?"

Nikolai: "No, it's just going to be like every fight"

Ruby: "You seem pretty confident about your first fight"

Nikolai remembered all the different fighters he took on in prison and remembered that he defeated them all. The fact that this was his first fight in the UFC didn't faze him one bit.

Nikolai: "I don't find any fights nerve racking to me, it's just another day another fight"

The five then stopped at the VIP parking lot, they got into the building.

Blake: "The lockers are on your left"

Nikolai nodded as he went into the locker.


An hour passed as the seats started to fill up, cameras were getting set up and the ring was being mopped. Nikolai was in the dressing room cross in his hands praying, praying for guidance, praying for strength and praying for victory.

Guard: "It's time kid"

Nikolai said his final prayer and left the dressing room, he put the necklace with a guard and left with the him. He can hear the crowd booing him as he walks out of the halls, he breathes steadily keeping his cool as he walks to the octagon.

-change scene-

Oobleck: "Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to one of the most unexpected match in UFC history!"

Oobleck was one of the commentators of the UFC who was also partnered with two former fighters: Taiyang Xiao Long and Ghira Belladonna.

Tai: "Unexpected indeed Oobleck, Cardin being out of the match due to not just physical but critical injury is very unexpected indeed"

Ghira: "Honestly I could care less if Cardin isn't going to fight, but I wonder what our new contender will show us during tonight's match"

Oobleck: "Let's not forget Nolan now gentlemen"

Tai: "Right, Nolan hits quick and was known for his famous first round knockout against Jaune Arc of the Vale squadron"

Oobleck: "Now we don't know who this Nikolai Boyka is but the chances don't seem to good for him"

Ghira: "Give the kid a chance Bartholomew, we don't know what kind of skills he has. So let's just wait and see what he's got"

Oobleck: "Now for the introduction here is Peter Port"

-scene change-

Nikolai watched as Port went into the ring, he stretched himself out warming up for the fight.

Port: "Ladies and Gentlemen! This is the main event of the evening! And when the action begins our referee in charge of the octagon is Herb Dean"

(Refs need to be respected as much as fighters)

Nikolai looked at the Herb, he watched many fights that he has been ref in and in all of them he made some pretty good calls. He was glad he was ensure Nolan's safety.

Port: "Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's! Time!"

The lights turned off except two spotlights showing both Nolan, Nikolai and Port.

Vale's Undisputed Fighter (Rwby MMA AU X Son of Yuri Boyka)Where stories live. Discover now