Chapter eleven: The Black Deity

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"Lui, wake up." Shu gently shook his brother, who was lying on the couch, asleep.

Lui mumbled something, then, half-asleep, he rubbed his eyes with his fists like a child and cooed, "is it morning already?" He stared at Shu with wide, innocent eyes; quite contrary to the death glares he usually gave him. 

Shu chuckled softly. "Yes, it is, sleepyhead, so wake up."

Lui groaned and heaved himself off the couch, ambling to the kitchen.

"Valt's battling Akuma today." Shu had been following the news, while Lui didn't really care. 


"Yeah. We should watch the battle."

Lui nodded, still sleepy. Shu turned the TV on, where Valt and Akuma were standing at the edge of the stadium in El Astro. Valt smiled at the younger blader, only to be met by a fierce scowl.

The referee started the battle.

"3...2...1...LET IT...RIP!"

Hydrax and Valtryek landed in the stadium simultaneously, colliding within the first few seconds. Valt started off with Rush Launch as usual, but Akuma simply smirked as Hydrax effortlessly avoided all the hits. 

"Your petty tricks won't work against me, Valt Aoi. Hydrax, DEATH DIVIDE!"

Hydrax cleanly cut through the funnel of wind that erupted from the beys, hitting Valtryek hard enough to throw it out.

"Hell Hydrax with a ring-out finish! Akuma Yami gets one point!"

Valt seemed flustered. He had underestimated this kid.

The second battle started with Valt using Flash Launch and Akuma using something called "Hell's Gates." Hydrax suddenly sped up and seemed to latch itself onto Valtryek, causing it to scrape against the ground until it ran out of stamina.

"Hell Hydrax with a survivor finish! Akuma Yami with two points!"

Shu was surprised, and Lui had woken up fully by now.

"I've never seen a move like that before," Shu remarked.

"Is that even regulation? He should be disqualified for that," Lui said.

The next battle ended quickly, with Valtryek using Hyper-Flux and bursting Hydrax.

As the two bladers prepared for the final battle, Valt seemed to be mustering up all his courage. Akuma, on the other hand, was smirking as wide as ever.

It was Akuma's youthfulness and genius versus Valt's power and experience.

They both launched as strong as they could, and Valt's eyes began to glow.

Akuma's aura appeared around him, but it was dark and menacing, not beautiful and glowing like Valt's. 

"VALTRYEK!!" Valt screamed.

Akuma spoke, but his voice came out distorted and deeper. "HYDRAX, END IT!"

Hydrax swerved closer and hit Valtryek over and over again.

But something strange was happening.

Every time Hydrax hit Valtryek, Akuma seemed to be sucking in the power.

He laughed maniacally, and his eyes flashed with bloodlust.

Valtryek burst.

The Black Deity had won. 

Then he flung his bey at the camera filming and the TV screen went black.

Shu and Lui were stunned.

Lui's mouth was hanging open.

Shu was fixedly staring at Spryzen.

"I have to battle him," Shu declared.

"Don't just blindly challenge him. The kid's better than I thought. Wait and train," Lui said.

Shu sighed and sat back down. Then both their phones pinged. It was an email from the wbba saying there would be a meeting the next day to discuss the threat of Akuma.

Lui looked at Shu and nodded. Shu gave a weak smile back.

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