Chapter five: Telling the others

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Shu's laptop pinged. 

"An email from the wbba?"

"What?" Lui asked. 

Shu read it out loud. 

"Due to your one year break, you will be attending year 9 in...Beigoma Academy. You will learn what you need, and can return to America once the school year...ends."

Shu almost threw his laptop across the room, and Lui burst into hysterics. 

"BRUH. You have to go to school?"

Lui's phone pinged. 

He read the email silently.  

Then he actually threw his phone across the room. 

It hit the wall and cracked. 

"Um...I'm guessing you have to go too..."


Shu smirked. "If I suffer, you do too."

"Shut the hell up."

"No. I laugh at your pain."

Suddenly, Shu's phone buzzed. And buzzed again. 

"What the hell? Why is my phone blowing up?"He checked his messages, then burst out laughing. 

"What?" Lui asked. 

"You don't have to suffer with only me, but you have to suffer with Honcho, Wakiya, and Daigo too." Shu grinned. "They're on break too."

"Oh my god no."

"Yes. sUfFeR wIth mE b*tCh."


Lui pulled on a random hoodie and jeans, groaning and grumbling all the way down the stairs. 

Shu was already ready in a t-shirt and pants, smiling like an idiot. 

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. I'm just thinking of all the ways I can torture you at school."

Lui ignored him, inconspicuously holding up the middle finger behind his back. 

Shu just grinned wider. 

Lui looked up at the giant entrance of Beigoma Academy.

"This is your school?"


"EYYYYYY, SHUU, THERE YOU ARE!" A loud, obnoxious, yet heartwarmingly familiar voice called out. 

Shu turned around. "Hey, Honcho."

And there he stood. Rantaro Kiyama in all his glory, dragging Wakiya Murasaki by the hand and Daigo Kurogami by the wrist. 

Lui facepalmed. "You have the weirdest taste in friends."

"At least I have friends," Shu shot back. 

"I don't need friends. They disappoint me."

A/N: Those of you that linked that to the vine, I applaud you.

Honcho grinned and walked forward.

Daigo somehow pried off his iron grip and walked towards Shu too. 

"Hey, Shu. How are you?"

"Hey, Daigo. I'm fine, you?"


Honcho strode forward, finally letting go of Wakiya. 

Then he tripped over his own feet and almost fell. 


"Oh, you finally noticed me," Lui said sarcastically. "I'm so happy."


"I need education too, Kiyama."


Lui just stared at him like "what the hell bro".

And of course, at the first mention of Lui's name, every fangirl in the nearest vicinity ran over yelling "LUI-KUN! SHU-KUN!"

Lui took one look and ran. 

Shu followed suit. 

Wakiya punched Honcho. 

"I didn't even get to talk to him, damn you," he said grumpily. 

"Sheesh, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Honcho joked. 

Daigo just groaned. 

At the end of school hours, Shu and Lui were practically dead. They slowly walked up to the roof, where the bey stadium lay, and got into their launching stances. 

"You're telling me that not one, but two World Champions trained here?" Lui looked around critically. 

"Shut up and launch."

"3...2...1...LET IT-"

They were interrupted by Honcho, Wakiya, and Daigo coming up the stairs. 

"Huh. Brings back a lot of memories," Daigo remarked quietly.

"Okay, what's going on? You two have been stuck to each other like glue the whole day!" Wakiya's sharp voice cut through the calm. 

"W-What?" Shu and Lui were taken aback. "No!"

Honcho said in a soothing voice, "It's okay, dudes. I was anyway gonna tell you that Wakiya and I are dating. There's nothing wrong with dating someone, even if he is your rival."

Shu looked at Lui.

Lui looked at Shu. 

The violet met the crimson. 

Then they realized what Honcho had just said, and choked on nothing. 

"WHAT?!" They both yelled.

"What?" Honcho asked, confused.

"We're not- not- we...WHAT?!" Lui rambled. 

Shu took a deep breath. 

"Honcho, we're not dating."

All three bladers- Wakiya, Honcho, and Daigo, all exhaled. 

"Thank god." Honcho said gratefully. 

"Wait, you didn't let me finish. We're not dating, but....we', stepbrothers now."

This time, it was Honcho, Wakiya, and Daigo's turn to choke on air. 


A/N: Yeah, that's it...I kinda ran out of inspiration on how to end this without making another 10000000-word there ya have it!

And as usual, be sure to post feedback and comment and blah blah blah etc etc etc

See ya!


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