Chapter six: Brothers will be brothers

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Shu shifted in his bed. There was something warm next to him. What the-?

It was comfortable, so without thinking, he wrapped his arms around it, hugging it tighter and cuddling close to it. 

Then it moved. 

No, not moved, it slithered.

He cracked his eyes open just a fraction of the way, and...

Yelled loudly and leaped out of the bed in a flurry of blankets and pillows.


Because lying in his bed was a six-foot long boa constrictor. 

Lui's boa constrictor, to be exact. 

Shu heard a thud as Lui stumbled down the stairs, clutching his stomach in peals of laughter.


"YES, IT IS!" Lui laughed harder. 

Five minutes later, Shu was glaring at his brother from across the table as Lui struggled to keep a straight face. 


"It was funny. I haven't laughed that hard in a while."

"I don't give a damn about you laughing, Lui. Next time, don't put a freaking snake in my bed."

"Eh. It was still funny."

Shu had had enough. He pushed back his chair...

And the chair made an extremely immature farting noise as it slid across the tile floor. 

Lui laughed again and Shu groaned. 

"Why do I have to suffer like this," he whined. 

Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door. 

Shu opened it to find Honcho and Valt standing on the porch with a box full of beybread. 

"Hey, Shu! Honcho told me that you and Lui are best bros now!" Valt said in his cheerful way. 

"We are not best bros, Valt."

"Dude, what happened to your hair?" Honcho's voice cut through. 

"Wha-?" Shu was confused. 

"You look like someone stuffed you in a washing machine," Honcho remarked kindly. 

"Lui put his snake in my bed."

Valt and Honcho both looked at him in disbelief, then burst out laughing. 

"He put a what in your bed?!"

"A snake. Now shut up."

But the two boys just laughed harder. 

Shu facepalmed, then wrenched the box of beybread away from Valt and closed the door in their faces, only for it to be held open by Honcho. 

"Don't freak out, Shu. Pranking each other is what brothers do."

"Yeah! Once I told Toko it was Monday instead of Sunday, so he went to school on the wrong day," Valt said, recalling the memory. 

"Once, I used Ranjiro's hair as a broom and literally swept the house," Honcho added. 

"Yeah, Shu. If Lui pranks you, just prank him back. Brothers will be brothers, after all," Valt said. 

Shu smiled. "Okay, guys."

And the albino walked back into the house, an evil smirk slowly growing on his face. 

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