Chapter 1

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Summer's pov


Humans just always find a way to annoy my soul

My eyes almost rolled back in my head and not for the reasons you'd think... or reasons i'd hope for

It's a pain when you're single and only depend on books to bring any type of sexual desire into my soul.

"You all annoy me and I wish to live alone with dogs because animals are far better company than you all" I grinned to the breathing molecules I called parents

"Summer" the woman who's womb I resided in for 9 months glared

"Yes housewife?" I smirked, seeing her glare deepen even more

Surely I was pushing my luck this morning, or pushing my luck as a gay, Spanish female in a house of conservatives

Well, mostly conservatives

Keys jingled behind me and I heard footsteps starting to approach

"Go start the car" My father chuckled, hanging the car keys over my shoulder which I took

He knew the woman would snap at me sooner or later so he always tried to avoid an argument as much as he could

But our mother daughter conversations will forever end in an argument

My parents are both highly religious, they hold themselves to the top of the church list as if God himself had a door made in heaven for them to visit whenever they wanted to

My mother is the worse of them, she is what they call a "Linda" The neighbor who is overly welcoming but only because she wants to make 'friends' to flex on. Then she's overly concerned with everyone's business but her own. Her reputation is the only thing that matters even though she exhibits her family as her fifth priority next to her God, jewelry and neighborhood gossip

She's a creature straight out of a desperate housewives cast

She tries so hard to make people think we're the perfect family and she's the best housewife money could buy

My father on the other hand is the type to read a newspaper article about Garfield, scratch his back with the remote and put his foot on the coffee table

Far more laid back but his religion is also his priority

Then there's me. The devil's creation according to the birthgiver

"If you can't find a car in the driveway when you walk outside, don't come looking for me" I smiled

"Hey, one less mouth to feed" He shrugged

I'm sure that sentence made my mother's eyes lit up in excitement

"Don't threaten me with a good time" I stated and started to head towards the door

I could feel the eyes of the rib borrower on me, that glare as heated as the sun, burning holes in my back as I strayed further away

Maybe it was because I'm a walking disappointment, that she glared at me

Or maybe it's because of my crop top and jeans that I was wearing to head to church

I'll assume it's both


"You mean the ballerina nightmare you placed on my bed? Are you trying to break my stud reputation?" I asked, stopping right before walking out the door

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