Chapter 23

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Narrator's pov


The afternoon had fallen, Summer watched as the golden sunlight slowly dissapear behind the looming figure of the school, dragging its bright rays across the track

Students were packing up to leave, a few runners stayed to push in some more work

Summer leaned against the chairs of the bleachers as her eyes ran over the students sprinting on the track

There was peace in sitting alone, the cold air touched her skin and moved by, stroking the few strands of hair that lingered by her jaw. The feeling of the cold wind on her skin calmed her muscles

She had been out there for a while, awaiting the sun to fall and a reason to leave

The constant loop of school and a broken home was enough to stress anyone out

So she stayed for a while in hopes of making the day end faster when she arrived home

Or perhaps she would escape to somewhere else that she found calm, seeing that she could get away with it now from her Father's deal

But someone caught her eye once again, slinging their bag behind their back as they walked across the lawns of the field

Summer tilted her head to the side as her eyes roamed over the girl

Melanie walked at a fast pace, there was an expression written on her feel that Summer couldn't see from afar

But with her furrowed brows, she knew something was up with the girl

Around the corner, stood a familiar blonde hair boy. His brows were clenched together as his eyes pierced into Melanie's

Perhaps she had finally broke it off with him, Summer snickered to herself as she watched the boy's face turn red

The boy then flicked the girl off and crossed his arms across his chest like a feisty little uwu slut with a pout

"Dumbass" she muttered under his breath

It truly was amazing how she was with him in the first place. It's like placing cosmetic jewelry next to diamonds

He then stopped his feet and folded his fist, allowing the pasty skin to pop his veins more as he walked away, heading back into the school

Summer shook her head at the boy before drifting her eyes back towards the brunette walking across the lawn

Only to see that the girl was watching her from afar

A small smirk made its way on Summer's lips as she tilted her head to the side again

Melanie simply rolled her eyes as she started to continue her journey to the parking lot

Summer chuckled and propped herself up, there was no way she was going to let her get away that easily

It was her job to torment her either way

"Wait!" Summer screamed, her feet moved against the boards as she hopped from chair to chair, leading down the bleachers

Melanie's eyes widened before her feet took over, ready to dash towards the parking lot

The big hungry gay giant continued to chase after the little lamb, fee fye foo fum

Making the confused little gay run

But Summer was a runner and a track star, she wasn't going to run away when it gets hard

Her legs moved quicker than the brunette's as she started to chase her down the track

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