Chapter 11

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Narrator's pov


"Run. Now" She hissed

The person of no colour didn't hesitate to spring to his chalk like feet and sprint

In attempt to save his priced possessions, his family jewels... More like a marble but anyways

The door was pushed open that he was nowhere to be seen

Summer shook her head at the fact that he didn't even care about him leaving Melanie behind

"Fucking dick" Axel muttered

Melanie sighed, bringing herself to her feet. Summer raised a brow at the fact that she wasn't yelling at the boy

Everytime she would cuss around her, she'd get an ear full

Yet, nothing with him

"Come on, I have a kit in my car" Summer mumbled

"That's okay-"

"Melanie, you either follow me or I drag you over my shoulder" Summer stated

"It's okay, go head" Zelda chuckled

"Are you sure? I'm really sorry"

"Go. We'll deal with it" Axel grinned

"Thank yo-" the brunette couldn't finish her sentence

Summer's hand wrapped around the girl's wrist as she started to pull her towards the door

Knowing if she stood there any longer she'd change her mind and continue to bleed all over her clothes

They stayed quiet, Summer's attention was on pushing past the few people walking in front of her and getting the girl to her car as quickly as possible

Melanie on the other hand was a mess behind her. The girl's face was a complete shade of pink, burning at her cheeks and glowing the tip of her nose a red like colour

Her eyes were locked onto Summer's hands around her wrist

The feeling of their skins together sent a rush through the brunette's body, a feeling that came in spirals and settled in the pit of her stomach

Butterflies swarmed and an electric feeling took her veins, setting ablaze every part of her nerves

Finally they had reached the parking lot and Summer's hand let go of the girl's

Subconsciously, a small pout met her lips the second the warm grasp left her skin, missing the feeling already

Summer pressed a button under the trunk and popped the hood, her hands moved around to find a first aid kit she had in the back before closing the hood again

"Come here" Summer stated

It was a simple order but Melanie swallowed a lump in her throat, feeling the butterflies erupt again

Summer raised a brow at the shorter girl, noticing she still hadn't moved as yet

She sighed before taking a step forward, leaving the kit on the hood

Her hands then hooked around the shorter girl's waist firmly and Melanie's breath hitched in her throat. Heat spread through her body from her waist to a shiver running up her back. Her heart beat multipled by 10 in those few seconds

Melanie's eyes widened at the sudden feeling

With one swift movement, Summer hoisted the girl up and placed her on the hood of the car

Melanie still struggled to breathe but her body acted as if nothing happened. Her insides screamed for Summer's touch once again, to feed her desperation before she became empty

"Um.. I-"

"I just wanted to see it better"

"I could lift my hands-"

"You don't seem to be moving when I tell you to" Summer mumbled, opening the kit

A silence fell over them again, Melanie avoided the girl's eyes as she gazed into the stars

The sunset had fallen and the velvet black sky look over with its sweet passing sprinkles of white stars

"Give me your hand" Summer mumbled

Melanie reached over, placing the hand of her hand flag against Summer's palm

A small electric feeling filled the raven hair girl's body at the simply touch of her skin on her own

For a second her eyes fluttered to Melanie's before dropping back to the girl's palm

She then brought a bottle over, drenching the hand in water to wash away the excess blood

She then lifted the girl's hand, elevating it and applying a small amount of pressure to the sight

Melanie's eyes flickered over the girl, watching how carefully and gently she was with her

Something she wasn't accustomed to from anyone

It was a first to say someone handle her with such care, almost as if they were afraid to touch her

"This is gonna hurt" She mumbled

She watched as Summer's fingers gently rubbed her palm, applying a few bandages to the area

Melanie hissed slightly as the pain filled the area of her hands

"It's alright, it'll be over in a few seconds" Summer whispered

Melanie's eyes darkened a slight shade of brown as they rolled over the raven hair girl

Summer's fingers trembled as they wrapped the white cloth bandage around her hand, almost as if she was afraid of hurting the brunette

She was precious and delicate, there was such a passion hidden behind Summer's eyes that Melanie had no idea about

Here she was giving the girl a hell of a joy ride while Summer didn't hesitate to help her

If it was up to her, she would have allowed her hand to bleed out

It was her fault either way, her eyes had glanced over at Summer in the corner and watched as a green hair girl placed her hand on the girl's thigh

She had no idea what happened to herself next, a tight pressure came to her heart and clenched tightly, simply making her suffocate from the inside

Soon came a fire within that boiled her blood, filling her veins

She lost herself in her anger but what was the source? Why would her anger be fueled at such a simple scene. A woman touching another woman

But this wasn't just another woman. It was a woman that seemed to capture Melanie's attention more than vivid butterflies in dark forest. Hell, Summer was the only colour she favoured

But that could never be possible. It shouldn't be possible. It wasn't right and it will never be. What the hell was she thinking in the first place

That's not it. Her anger was fueled by the fact that it was two woman

Yes. That's it. That's got to be it

Two women shouldn't be touching each other like that, much less in an open place

Yes. Her anger was fueled by her own miserable mind

And that's all she'll have

Her miserable mind.


Wattpad has marked every single chapter of Aquamarine and daughter of Lucifer as "mature" and "explicit content". I'm confused how every single chapter is deemed as "sex"? Sigh 🚶‍♀

Hi dolls 💖

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