Chapter 15

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Melanie's pov


Seeing her again was like looking into the eyes of a volcano, dangerous yet beautiful at the same time

I did what my body was screaming to do, I got as far away as possible from her as I could

Summer Harlow wasn't just a girl, she was the type of person who charmed you with her presence

I remember the first time I saw her smile. It was across the cafeteria last year

Her smile was one of happiness growing, much like a spring flower blossoming

It came from deep inside to light her auburn coloured eyes, spreading into every part of her soul

That smile was the prettiest thing I've seen and since then nothing had topped

It's been over a year since my mind had been engulfed with everything Summer

Not one day went by when she hadn't invaded my mind

Her laughter was so free and pure, so childish and satisfying. It came to my ears as a tickle and bounce - and only a rocky heart could do anything but join in such generous mirth

It was a soundtrack in my soul, replaying over and over everytime I had my bad days

I always admired how outgoing she was but Summer had her own demons

I could admit, she acted like an alien sometimes because people on earth wouldn't behave the way she did

It was annoying and draining, wanting to scratch her eyes out everytime you see her

But God, how could someone make you want to hate them but hold them at the same time

It's been a year since I've been confused. My life was set, my path was laid out in front of me

But then she just had to wonder in with that radiance on her lips and fierce eyes

I was taken by her without knowing who she was

She had no idea who I was these years, not until recently

And that's only because of the coincidences we end up in

I want to hate her so badly, I tried so hard to for the past couple days. But then she held my hands. No one's given me the time of day before, not even my own pet much less Chris

A simple cut made her expose that side to her I tried to see

My life was to study. I was on my way to science, despite my father's wishes and my beliefs I still chose to follow that path

I had the plans to marry the one boy who's stuck with me since the beginning, he was the only one that tried to enter my life in the first place

That, or the fact that our parents happen to be the bestest of friends and forced us to be together at a young age

Now it's been that way for years

I try to block her from my mind. But everytime I saw her it was as if I stopped breathing. I've never reacted in anyway to anyone before

Why her. God why her

I can't. I just.. I can't do it

She's not for me. I've been on my knees so many nights, the salted tears trailing down my cheeks and travelling down my neck. On my knees begging for him to stop these feelings

Why would he create me to follow his rules, his guidance, his words but then make me feel so many things for the wrong person

At some point I settled to anger. Instead of butterflies, I chose to embrace the fire inside

She was the reason I was like this. In misery, on my knees almost everynight begging for a prayer to be answered

While she knew nothing

I refused to look at her, I refused to be anywhere close to the girl

But everyday it became more and more harder

Still. I could never bring myself to give in. Right?

I don't know what came over me Friday.

I felt the tension in my chest waiting to take over. It sat there like an angry ball propelling me towards an anxiety when Summer's words spat venom to my face

Usually, my anger was a way to convince myself it was wrong but I couldn't escape her sometimes

Her body trapped mine and my brain turned off, allowing my emotions to take over

Her lips came dangerously close to my own and that was the last straw for any self control I had within myself

I kissed her. Not knowing what it would lead to. I kissed her because I needed it. I needed her right then

And I still need her

At this point all I was doing was fighting. And I forever will

I can't be with Summer Harlow.


Narrator's pov


Young hearts attract stronger, they are full of power and a craving to be loved. The wants and desires to experience first hand what they had been reading about, what they've been shown on tv. It all boiled over and they needed to get their hands on it

Some even kill to have it

Forbidden lust was the most unfortunate

A demand to have and to hold yet a force pushed you apart

Summer knew she didn't have a chance, but it was still confusing as ever as to what happened that day

But would confronting it do more harm than what was already damaged?

It had been over an hour and she was already tired, the church was spotless due to her zoning out and cleaning subconsciously

Without the help of a brunette who had been missing ever since she came to the church

She assumed the girl was there to help but she was doing far from that either way

Who knows where she was or what she was doing. Hell, the only thing Summer could think of was that the girl was avoiding her

A conversation needed to happen and she didn't care if Melanie was ready or not. She was going to get it out of her one way or another before she started to cover it up

"Fucking piece of shit" Summer hissed

Her frustration echoed through the walls of the church as she groaned loudly

The girl had gotten herself caught in a few cobwebs, struggling to fight her way through it

She had no idea where she had stumbled herself into, a room she assumed stored brooms and other cleaning items

But unfortunately it was a room of tiny harmless insects who Summer desired to be squished for existing

"AGH YOU WHORE. FUCK YOU AND YOUR GRANDMOTHER'S TEETH" Summer yelled at the hanging cobwebs

The girl struggled to fight through the webs as she stumbled backwards, finding her way back out into the aisle of the church

"Can you.. Stop cussing" Melanie stated

The raven hair girl brushed off the white silk from her body, shivering at the sight in disgust. It had completely taken over her clothing as she peeled her jacket off and tossed it to the side

"Excuse me?" She asked

"I said. Stop cussing. You're in a place of worship, have some respect" Melanie said

Summer raised a brow as she watched the brunette cross her arms over her chest

Was this the same girl she saw a few minutes ago?

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