Chapter 22

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Narrator's pov


"Ew" Summer glared

Her angry eyes were her shield and sword, they were the gathering of clouds for a rainfall you'd never witness

Chris's presence demanded the release that felt like her downfall

Anger was a thing she channelled into her passions and made it her rocket fuel to attack

"What's your problem now?" The boy scoffed, peeling his face away from the girl

She hated the boy for many reasons. He lacked a brain as well as half the population on earth

He had not one ounce of respect for anyone or any decency which just earned him a chance to be kicked into a wall

But the one she hated the most was the fact that he could do exactly what he wanted around Melanie

Because he was her own. He gave his heart to her and so did she. The heart Summer hoped to be hers

He could touch her because she was his. He could kiss her because she was his

It took alot for Summer to be jealous but Melanie Robbins had been making her act in ways she would never

Melanie on the other hand had been frozen in place, her shock brought a quietness within, a moment to feel her emotions change gear and girder her soul for what was to come

A feeling took over her, a feeling of pause while her brain made a new connection. She felt like a stranger in her body for the few seconds, not knowing what to do while the internal panic filled her

But watching the two walk closer, Summer towered over the boy while their eyes narrowed to each other

Nothing but fire and venom within, Chris brushed his shoulder against the girl's, only resulting in Summer to come back

Her palms pressed flat against his own shoulders and shoved his back, watching him fly a few feet away

The boy scoffed as he started to approach back with haste

Summer's anger couldn't be controlled and Melanie knew that

Things would lead to another and blood would eventually be shed if the two continued

"Okay stop it!" Melanie hissed

The two stopped in their tracks as they turned to face her

"We were discussing the church fair which you would know about if you cared to show up for any" Melanie hissed at the boy

He rolled his eyes before turning to face the girl

"Good. She needs Jesus in her life"

"How about I pound my fist up that little unwashed asshole of yours" Summer spat

"Bring it!"

"STOP" Melanie screamed at the two

The girl's glare then met Chris. He had no reason to be here in the first place

"Chris. Leave" she said

"Excuse me?"

"It would be better for everyone if you just left okay. I'm trying to plan something important and it won't work if you're here doing this" She said

Chris rolled his eyes before muttering a few words under his breath

Melanie sighed watching the boy walk away, his demeanour hung low while he gripped his fist like the pathetic little bottom that he was

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