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Draco pranking Y/n and vice versa: a thread


House: it don't matter

Blood Status: Half-blood (i need some muggle in you for some of em)

Warnings: spoopy spary speleton, mentions of sex

Notes: this is a thread so kinda like what i did in "The Malfoys"


"Draco, I don't think this is a good idea..." Blaise tells his best friend warrily.

"Shhh. She's coming out!" Draco shushes.



You walk out of The Three Broomsticks with a cardboard cup full of butter beer in your hand, more focused on the candy on your other hand than your steps.

"GIVE ME ALL YOUR CANDY!" Draco yells jumping in front of you.

"MOTHER OF MERLIN!" You scream and accidentally spill your drink on Draco.

Draco widens his eyes and looks down at his now soaked robes.

You grimace and try to hide your laugh, but eventually fail and burst out into laughter.

Blaise sees everything occur in front of him and copies your actions, clutching his ribs in joyous pain.

"I told you!" Blaise wheezes.

"I– I'm not even so–sorry!" You let out in between laughs.

"I regret being born..." Draco sighs.

(this'll probably be my favourite)

Draco's learnt a lot from your muggle side. You've taken him around muggle London and you've shown him some of the technology he's never experienced.

The most you've talked about is the telephone. He's seen you carry it with you everywhere and talk into it.

He studied about the 'telephone' and with his research he's seen the pranks made with them. One of them he's about to do right now.

Draco rented a really thick book from the library, since he couldn't think of anything else to use for the prank.

He goes into your prefect room and sees you sound asleep. He tip-toes over to you and takes a deep breath.

"Y/n! Y/n!" You wake up in a fright, not aware of your surroundings at all.

"Love, you're getting a call from your mum! It's urgent!" He gives you the book and acts fidgety and scared.

You put the book up to your ear in a rush, "Hello?"

You wait for an answer but never get one.


"Draco there's no serv–"

You look at the 'phone' to see how many bars of service there are, until you're met with a ripped, worn out, red cover.

"Oh, come on!"

You plop down on the bed and smack Draco's–who's laughing his ass off–arm. He lets out a small yelp and calms down his wheezing.

"Expect no more sex for the rest of the week." You smirk and turn back into a comfortable position to return to your slumber.

Draco widens his eyes and looks at you in a severe state of shock.

"What? No, no! Oh, damn it!! NooooO!!!! I didn't mean to! BLAISE, LET ME PUNCH YOU!"

"What's Blaise got to do with it?"

"Well, I can't punch you because I love you. I can't punch Pansy (even tho I want to) because she'll either get really turned on and never leave me alone, or she'll start crying and whining... and never leave me alone."

Suddenly, Blaise runs in and hides under your bed.

"Don't let him punch me! Y/n, whatever you said, please take it back!" Blaise pleads.

"Okay, fine. We can have sex this week, Draco."

Draco whoops and Blaise just groans.

"Nevermind, just punch me." Blaise says, crawling from out of your bed.

"Nope, I want to get laid. I'm not going back to my 14 day streak again after the butter beer incident. Go on, get out, Zabini!"

Blaise groans and leaves while saying, "I'm not ready to be an uncle." And shuts the door.

Draco leaps on the bed.

"Hello there, darling." He smirks.

(pansy deserves better)

"Pansy!" You yell into the Slytherin common room.

Her head pops out from the girl's dorm and looks at you with a 'fuck-you-want' face.

"Can you give me a hickey?" You ask, pointing to your neck.

"Sure." She shrugs, not questioning.

You and Pansy have a very close friendships, you could even call yourselves a lesbian couple. You've kissed before and you've been through so much together, so asking for a hickey from her is nothing unusual.

(sorry if this is weird bros lol)

Pansy sucks on two places of your neck and one place on your collarbone.

"Thanks, Pans! Love you!" You say, running into Draco's prefect room.

"Love you too!"

You close Draco's door behind you and see him studying on his desk.

"Hey, babe!" You walk over to him and hug his neck, leaving a peck on his cheek.

"Hey, love." He turns to you and smiles. His smile falters when he sees your neck while approaching it to leave a small kiss.

"What's that?" He gently lifts your chin to get a clear view of the bruises on your neck, making sure his paranoid eyes aren't deceiving him.

"What's what?" You ask, trying so hard to hold back a laugh.

"Don't play dumb! You have hickeys! Who're they from, Y/n? Who?!" He abruptly stands up, tears stinging his eyes.

You notice his pain and immediately retreat, not wanting anything bad to happen.

"Hey, hey! It's just a prank! I asked Pansy to give me the hickeys to get back at you for the phone prank! Please don't cry, babe." You explain, wiping the tears away from his face.

"You scared the living hell out of me, Y/n."

He brings you into a tight hug and kisses you forehead softly.

"Awe, I'm sorry. You know I wouldn't cheat on you unless Pansy proposed to me." You smirk, grazing his hair with your hands.

He chuckles and lets your lips meet in a soft kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Dray."

Lol i suck. Sorry i havent updated in a while i got busy since im moving to another country in a few weeks but im tryin my best

Dear Draco,
Interested in making some magic together? My chamber of secrets is at the ready.

𝘋𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘰 𝘔𝘢𝘭𝘧𝘰𝘺 𝘐𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora