Triwizard Tournament - Second Task

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I'm not gonna lie, this task freaked me the fuck out when I first watched it.


House: Slytherin

Blood Status: Half-blood

Warnings: If you have a fear of drowning I don't think it would be a good idea watching this - swearing - wet draco (not in the sexual way, unfortunately)

Notes: Just.. don't read this if you're scared of drowning. I am not responsible for any panic/anxiety attacks.


It's only a few hours until the second task begins, and you still haven't seen Draco anywhere. He would usually just wait for you in the common room, or you would wait for him. But now, he is no where to be seen.

You're stood in the dungeon's corridor in your champion outfit, when you hear someone calling you. "Y/n!" Harry's voice calls to you from across the corridor. "Have you seen Ron and Hermione anywhere?"

You shake your head, feeling intrigued. "Have you seen Draco?" Harry shakes his head, looking at you with curiosity.

Harry looks at your worried figure, and sighs. "We'll find them later. We have to head to the boats, right now."

You give out a shaky sigh, but then weakly nod and make your wait to the Black Lake with Harry's arm wrapped around your waist.

You talked to Cedric a few days ago about how someone could last so long underwater. You both kept researching charms until you found the bubble-head charm. You tried telling Harry about it, but he had already found another way with Neville's help.

While you two walk to the boats, Neville catches up with you and hands Harry a handful of Gillyweed. You look at it in disgust, feeling sorry that Harry had to chew on that. 

"Are you sure this will work, Neville?" Harry asks, holding the slimy substance in his hand.

"Most likey," Neville responds.

Harry cringes and asks, "Most likely?"

"Well, there is some debate among herbologists as to the effects of fresh water versus saltwater."

"And you're telling me this now? You must be joking!" Harry exclaims. You cringe at the situation and keep your head low.

"I just wanted to help," Neville says, innocently,

"Well that makes you a right sight better than Ron and Hermione. Where are they anyway?" Harry asks, now walking backwards, hoping to find sight of them.

You sigh and don't even bother look back. You never thought Draco would leave you like this.

"You seem a little tense, Harry." Neville states.

"Do I?" Harry gives up on trying to find his best friends, and continues to make his way towards the boats.

"Welcome to the second task!" Dumbledore announces. "Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure, of sorts." You furrow your eyebrows at his words, but brush it off. "These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the Black Lake. In order to win, each champion need only find their treasure, and return it to the surface." With that, you and the other champions stand on the edge of the plank in your swimsuits. "Simple enough. Except for this: they will have one hour to do so," Harry begins chewing on his Gillyweed. "And one hour only. After that, they'll be on their own. No magic will save them." Harry begins choking on the substance, and Moody pats his back aggressively. "You may begin at the start of the canon." 

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