Aroused [Part 1]

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Draco Malfoy x blunt!flirty!reader


House: Any other than Hufflepuff (cuz i doubt hufflepuffs are blunt especially with draco but i mean you can pick Hufflepuff I just think it doesn't really fit)

Blood Status: Any

Warnings: SHOOK Draco - sMiRkInG - flirtinnggg - swearing - sexual mathafuckin tension (not smut tho) and like also some sexual references BUT NOTHING HAPPENS!!!

Note: Y/h = Your house just in case you forgot.


Third Person

Y/n Y/l/n, a fellow Y/h, is known for being a – well – fierce bitch. She's blunt with everyone. If someone asks her if they look good in a new outfit and they actually don't she'd say no. She'd say they look ugly and they should change out of it as soon sad possible. 

Now, let's not confuse blunt with rude. They're two completely different words. When one is being blunt, they're just saying the truth no matter how hurtful it is. Being mean is telling lies to make someone feel bad and they're purposefully hurtful. Of course, most idiot students in Hogwarts don't believe that, but they would never confront Y/n because they know they would lose the battle. 

All but Draco Malfoy. Draco Malfoy was quite shocked at the girl. He tries to annoy and tease her, but is always brought down by her bluntness. Although, he isn't brought down in a bad way. She never insulted him because she never thought he was a bad person. She sees right through him, as she sees through every other student in Hogwarts. She doesn't pity him, though, because, to her, pity is worthless and pathetic. She wants to help him and she wants to lighten his mood because that's what the lost boy deserves.

She was making her way to the Y/h common room when Draco appeared in front of her.

"Hello, Malfoy," she says, lightly smirking.

"Hello there, Y/l/n. May I say, you look absolutely astonishing today." Y/n's bluntness would never stop Draco's flirtatiousness. (It's actually a fucking word I-)

"Well you look quite handsome, too. What is it? New robe?" Y/n said, running her hand on Draco's chest.

"I was born this way, love. I was born to impress the one and only Y/h princess. Tell me, Y/n, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" He says, biting his lip.

"No. You flew me down, remember?" She chuckles.

"Well, I was told to escort an angel onto this land."

Y/n chuckled and ruffled his hair then slipped away from in-between him and the wall. "I'll see you at dinner, Malfoy," Y/n said, winking at him.

"And I you, Y/l/n."

"Y/n! Do I look good? I got this new sweater and I think it looks splendid!" Some random Hufflepuff said, walking towards Y/n.

"No. Go back to the uniform." She said, chewing on some lettuce from her salad.

"Oh. . . Okay. Thanks, Y/n," The Hufflepuff said, walking back to her seat. Y/n just hummed in response as in saying 'You're welcome'.

Draco overheard the brief conversation and smirked at the devil-with-a-halo that he, oh, so adores. Y/n glanced at the Slytherin Prince and sent him a sly grin, followed by a wink.

Y/n finished her food and got up to head to the Astronomy Tower where she always stayed to either read or talk to Draco, depending on if he's there or not.

Draco took notice of her exit and followed her, already having finished his food a while ago. He made it to the Astronomy Tower to see Y/n on the floor while reading a book. He saw what she was reading and smirked.

"Dirty Dancing? Are you hinting at me, love?" He asks teasingly, sitting beside her and wrapping an arm around her neck.

"Well what if I am, Master Malfoy?" She said. Draco froze at the nickname. He knew she was blunt and flirty, but I guess dirty also came in such package. He liked this side of her.

(Btw idk what that book is I was gonna write 50 shades of grey but i realised it's a modern book so i just searched up any dirty 80's book and I got this)

"Well, well. Someone's in need. Y/n Y/l/n putting me as the dominant one without putting up a fight? That's a first."

Y/n chuckled and closed her book, putting it aside. Her chuckles slowly died down and Draco looked at her with impatience a hint of fear in his eyes.

She held onto his tie and pulled it out from under his sweater, then yanked him forwards just a few centimetres away from her face.

"I'm always dominant, Malfoy," she said in a low whispers, but gave a plot twist, "my only exception is with you."

Draco looked at her surprised and kind of aroused. Y/n tucked his tie back under his sweater properly and backed away from him, going back to reading her book. She was proud of herself, since she hadn't even started and she's already left him breathless.

"Bloody hell, Y/n. I still need to get used to this side of you. You get less innocent by the second," he said, still quite breathless.

"Get used to it fast because it's gonna get worse. Or. . . better, I should say."

And with that she got up and left a flustered mess of a Malfoy on the floor.


"He's so hot! I love myself, Y/bf/n! You should've seen the look on his face! Absolutely priceless! I can't wait to do it again. I just . . . I just hope he actually has feelings for me and isn't just enjoying this stupid flirting for his pleasure. I really like him and I really hope he likes me back," Y/n ranted. She was in the girls' dormitory, on her bed, with her best friend. Y/bf/n is the only person that Y/n trusts with her actual feelings, and the same for Y/bf/n to Y/n.

"Honey, he's head over heels for you. If he really did want to just be fuck buddies or something, then he would've had his willy out of his pants and in yours way before. He wouldn't have been flustered." 

Y/bf/n is also as blunt as Y/n. She got a boyfriend in the beginning of third year to almost the same scenario as Y/n's current one. The only difference is that she was quick to confess her feelings and her boyfriend didn't hesitate to make a move on her.

"Yeah, I guess. I'm not gonna get my hopes up, though. I may just improvise something if he doesn't reciprocate my feelings . . . then go rot in the Forbidden Forest . . . or just steal you from your boyfriend and have you for myself," Y/n said, her and Y/bf/n chuckling at her last statement.

"You know I don't mind the last one," Y/bf/n flirts.

There was a silence and then the two girls burst out laughing, boy problems not really problems anymore.


Curently have Iftar so I just wanted to do a quickie (hA see what i did there?-) and post something. Part 2 will be posted either after my Iftar or tomorrow. I won't leave y'all hangin' tho. :)


Dear Draco,
Do me, or not do me. THAT is the question.


Words: 1.2k

𝘋𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘰 𝘔𝘢𝘭𝘧𝘰𝘺 𝘐𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ