Chapter 13

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Louis' Pov:
Today is my birthday and I couldn't be more upset and happy. I was upset because I'm now older but I'm happy because I get to spend the day with my family and Harry. I'm spending the day with my family and later tonight Harry is taking me to dinner. I'm excited to say the least. Not only is it my birthday but its mine and Harry's sixteen month anniversary. I still can't believe we have been together that long. It feels like its been a lot longer then just sixteen months. I can't believe that it's been longer then a year. I just hope we are together forever.

I finally got out of bed and went to the kitchen. Once in I was bombarded with happy birthdays. I smiled and thanked them all, hugging my sisters and parents. I sat down and began eating my breakfast, scoffing it down. It tasted so good and I was always the hungriest in the mornings.

When I finished I went to the living room and sat down. I skimmed through the channels on the TV and decided to go on Netflix. I decided on watching Happy Gilmore and curled up on the couch.

I was Half through the movie I must have fallen back asleep and was snoring softly because I woke up in my bed. I sat up and looked around for my phone. When it was found I looked through all the notifications on Facebook, mostly people wishing me happy birthday, some game requests.

I went to my text messages next and thanked those who texted me happy birthday. Finally I had finished texting people back and texted Harry
"Hey Haz! Just wondering when you are gonna be over here today?"
I sent it and waited for a reply. While I was waiting I got out of bed and got ready for the day. When My phone when off I ran over to the bed and jumped on it, grabbing my phone
"Hey baby, I'm really really sorry. I can't make it over today. I've got to do something really important. I have to fly back home. Apparently my aunt died"
I felt my heart break. Not only was Harry not coming to see me on my birthday but his aunt died.
"Harry I'm sorry! When does your flight leave maybe I can see you before you leave?"
"I'm already at the airport. I have to go, my flight is boarding. I love you! Happy birthday baby"
He sent back. I curled up in my bed and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later with a headache. "Hey Louis, mum told me to tell you to get up and get dresses in something nice. We are gonna go out for dinner" Lottie said and walked out. I got up and rubbed my eyes.

When I was dressed and ready I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen to get some pain reliever. I took the pain reliever and looked at the counter. Sitting in a vase was flowers. I walked over and smelled them and saw a card sitting next to them. It had my name on it so I opened it.

Dear Louis,
I am so sorry I missed seeing you awake today. Although I did come over before my flight you were passed out on the couch. I carried you to your room, and that's why you woke up in there. Anyways I'm rambling again. I love you so much baby. I will see you soon.

I finished reading the card and cried softly. I held the card to my chest. Soon my mum walked into the kitchen and told me it was time to go.

We left the house and headed flat where ever my parents were taking me for dinner. When we pulled up, I got out slowly. "Hey I've got to use the restroom so I'm gonna hurry in and use it, Have someone show me where the table is when I'm out" I said and ran in. I ran to the bathroom and used it quickly. I washed my hands and dried them off.

When I walked out of the bathroom Lottie was sitting there waiting for me. "Hey Lottie" I said and walked over to her. "Hey Lou, can we talk for a minute?" She asked. I nodded "do you really love Harry?" She asked softly. I looked at her in disbelief. "of course I do. He's the love of my life. I want to spend the rest of my life with him" I said smiling wide at the thought of him. "Good, now lets go to the table" she said she stood up then grabbed my arm and lead us to the doors into the dinning room. She opened the doors and pushed me in. I looked back at Lottie "what's going on?" I asked "just walk forward and grab whatever is handed to you" she said. I walked forward and was handed a rose with a light blue ribbon tied around it. I walked forward and was handed another rose with a red ribbon tied on it. I looked down the dimly lite hallway and made out at least five more people down it. I continued walking and was handed a few more roses on the way. I was pushed through another door and saw rose petals laying on a carpet making a trail to another door at the end of the room. I walked though the room, looking around noticing a lot of people I knew and they were here and watching me. I got to the door and opened it slowly, nervous of what I might see.

When I opened the door there was a trail of rose petals still, but now their were candles lighting the path. It was helpful since I was outside now. I walked down the path and saw a beautiful gazebo and walked up onto it. The trail ended and there was a sign that said turn around. I did as told and saw someone walking toward the gazebo. I squinted my eyes and looked out.

As the person got closer I realized it was Harry. "Harry?" Asks softly. He walked up the steps to the gazebo and grabbed my hands "hey baby."
"I thought you were heading back home?" I said and looked at Harry "baby I wouldn't miss your birthday for the world. You know that" Harry said and pulled me closer. "Louis, you love me right?" He asks softly. "Of course I do!" I said quickly "I love you with all my heart" I quickly added. "Okay that's good because I love you with all my heart and I want to spend the rest of my life with you" Harry said "you know I love you so much. i cant imagine not being with you everyday." He said and got down on one knee. I teared up knowing but not knowing what was about to happen. I was so scared and quite anxious of the out come. Harry looked up at me with a smile "Louis I know we've only been together for a year and four months but it feels like so much longer. I feel like I've known you my whole life. Every time I'm with you I feel so happy. When we kiss I still get butterflies. When you say I love you to me I feel my heart melt. When I see you I see the future, I see you and I growing old together." Harry said and pulled a black box out of his pocket. I gasped and covered my mouth. "you are the love of my life, my soulmate. So Louis William Tomlinson will you marry?" Harry opened the box to reveal a beautiful wedding ring. I teared up and started nodding my head quickly "YES! million times yes!" I yelled loudly. "Really?" He asks with a wide smile "yes!" Screams and pulls him up. He leans foreword and kisses me passionately. I kiss back immediately and hear cheering all around us. I cup his cheeks and pull him closer. He smiled into the kiss and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him.

We pulled away from the kiss and stared into each others eyes. He carefully placed me down and pulled the ring out of the box. He slides it onto my finger and pulls me close. "This is the best birthday ever" I whispered to him. "I wanted it to be perfect so I did what ever I had to do and it is our one year four month anniversary. So it was perfect." Harry said and pulled me closer.

We walked off the gazebo and I saw both of our family's and some of them video taping. I blushed and hid into Harry's chest. They all start cheering and I smiles into Harry's chest.

The rest of the night went amazing. I opened presents from friends and family. I got congratulated by a lot of people and admired my ring. When it was time to go home me and Harry decided to stay in a hotel together. We just cuddled that night, wrapped up in each others arms, sleeping together for the first time as fiancées.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in forever! I've been really busy lately.
I hate saying this but the book is actually almost over. There's only a couple more chapters left.
I don't know when I will be able to update again but I will try and update soon.
Anyways! Let me know what you think of this chapter :)
I really love Larry proposals :) they are just my favorite

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