Chapter 1

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Louis' pov:
I walked though the halls getting laughed at and having names called my way. Some being nerd, some being fag, and some being freak. The funny part of the ones calling me fag have gotten a lap dance from me in the last month. I don't let these assholes bring me down anymore.

I put my stuff in my locker and start walking away. I get shoved up against the lockers. "How's it going nerd." Ah it happens again, Harry Styles. "Awe how sweet you want to know how I'm doing. Wow Harry I thought you hated me, but if you're asking how I'm doing obviously you care" I said with a smirk "if I cared about you why would I do this?" He said and slapped me across the face, hard. "Look Harry as much as I would like to chat I have to get to class" I said and walked away.

School went by quickly. When I got home I did my homework. When I was done I got ready for work which took about an hour, but damn I looked hot. I made my way to work getting there early to work on my routine. Once I had finished practicing I went to my dressing room to relax. I figured I could since I don't need to dance till nine.
Harry's pov:
Today I was going to a strip club. A gay strip club at that. I mostly need a drink, but I want to watch some of the dancers too. So here I am waiting to be let into the club.
An hour later I'm finally in the club grabbing a drink. I look at my phone seeing it's 8:56. I hope one of the dancers starts soon.

As if on cue a male makes his out on stage. I quickly make my way up to one of the tables close to the stage. I watch as the man dances, pulling clothes off as he goes. This guy was blonde, but not my type. He finished and walked off stage. A guy with brown hair walked on stage. He had piercing blue eyes with eyeliner around them. His hair was in a quiff. He began dancing and swaying his hips. He turned around around to reveal a glorious looking bum. He started stripping and god damn my jeans tightened. He was toned, tan, and very fit. He got on the pole and walked around it dancing. His leg wraps around the pole and he spins. As fast as he's on the pile he's off and standing behind it, holding it as he starts doing a bouncing move. Only then did I realize what song he was dancing to. For Your Entertainment by Adam Lambert. I pulled out my wallet and pulled out all the ones I have. I waved him over and slipped them into his skin tight spandex bottoms, accidentally grazing his clothed dick. He looked me in the eyes and then quickly walked away. I watched as he continued to dance and noticed he looked a little hard. I got up from my table and walk to the counter and pay for a private session with him.

Louis' pov:
"Louis! You have a private session in room three" Liam yelled from behind the bar. Great lets hope it's not some old guy again. I shutter at the memory. I walked to the room and opened the door slowly. I looked inside and see a tall man with curly hair with his back turned to me. He spun around quickly and I almost died. Harry Styles is at a gay bar and paid for a private session with me. "Hello" he said in a deep voice "sit in the chair" I said in a strong voice. He sat down quickly and smirked. I walked over and bent down to his ear "What do you want?" I asked seductively. The next thing he said surprised me most "I want you"

So I finally am writing again. Well stories I feel comfortable writing and putting up on here. Anyways let me know what you think :)

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