Chapter 16

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Louis' wedding dress by the way 😊

Third Person:
Zayns eyes widen and He runs to find Harry. After an hour of searching He turned to Liam and Niall for help. "He's gone I've searched for him high and low and have no idea where he could be. He left a note telling Louis sorry and I think he's leaving Louis at the alter. I have no idea where to look for him and Louis' going to start getting ready soon. I need one of you to help me find him while the other one keeps Louis stalled from getting ready" Zayn says and looks at them. "I'll keep Louis busy, Liam you go with Zayn." Niall says. "Wait how are you going to stall him and how long do we have to find him?" Zayn asks. "Two hours at the most" Niall says. They both nod and head out to find Harry.

Niall walks back in and sits down at the table. Louis runs out of his room and jumps while giggling "IM GETTING MARRIED TODAY!" He yells at the top of his lungs. "Wait Louis! We need to talk" Niall says. "Niall I can't talk now I've got to get ready" he says and walks into the bathroom. He climbs into the shower quickly. Niall pulls out his phone "hello?" Liam says "any luck? I can't get Louis stalled for even a minute!" Niall says. "We're looking everywhere we can. We just don't know where he'd go!" Liam exclaims "okay check his house, the school, shit I don't know get the police to find him" Niall says. "Ni the police won't do anything 1 and 2 we're going to check his house and the school now" Liam says "okay bye." Niall hangs up the phone and sits on the couch. Louis walks out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and wet hair "Niall I am so excited! I get to spend the rest of my life with the one person I love most!" He exclaims. Niall bites his lips and looks at Louis "Lou I know it's bad timing and all but I don't know what to do anymore. I don't think I'll ever find love" he lies. "I can set you up with Lottie. Problem solved now can you help me get ready" Louis says. Louis walks into his room and shuts the door. Niall stands up and starts walking. He gets an idea and pretends to fall and get hurt "ow! Oh god!" He yells. Louis runs back out in just boxers "what happened?!" Louis asked. "I fell and landed on my bad knee" he lied. "Let me help you" Louis says and helps Niall get onto the couch "let me get you some ice" he says and walks to the kitchen. He walks back in a few minutes later with an ice pack. He hands it to Niall "do you need pain reliever?" He asks softly "no I think the ice will be enough." Niall says. "Okay well I'm gonna go get ready" Louis says "wait Lou! Could you sit with me for a little and then I'll help you get ready?" Niall says. Louis groans but nods "okay fine but I have to be there in half an hour so you have ten minutes" Louis says.

Zayns Pov:
Liam and I have been to Harry's house, his parents house, Louis' house, everywhere we could think of. After Liam got off the phone with Niall we head to the school. Once inside we go straight to the library to see if we can find. Just as we walk in we see him sitting at one of the desks twiddling his thumbs. I run over and hit my hands on the table "what the hell?!" I exclaim. "Look I'm sorry guys I can't do it. Louis is a great guy but he deserves so much more then me. He could get any guy he wants and he's settling for me." Harry says. "Louis loves you. If he wanted to settle he would have dated me and still loved you. Harry he wants to marry you, I could hear him in the background shouting 'I'm getting married! I'm getting married!' Then I heard him say an I quote 'I finally get to marry the love of my life' so he's not settling. He loves you so much and he wants to be with you till he dies" Liam says. I nod along in agreement and Harry looks down "are you sure? I don't want to hold him back" Harry says. "Harry you make him a better person when he's with you. You're not holding him back, you never have and never will" I say. Harry looks up and bites his lip "how long do I have get ready?" He asked "an hour before you have to leave" he nods and stands up "lets go get me ready"
Harry's POV:
They boys get me ready and drive me to the venue for the wedding. When we arrive I slowly climb out and looks around, my nerves getting the better of me once more. I take a deep shaky breath in and walk into the small building.

Once inside I look around and smile softly. I walk out the back doors to the get ready to walk down the isle.

Niall's Pov:
I've been keeping Louis busy as best as I could but now he is trying his hardest to get ready. I haven't gotten any word from the boys of finding Harry and I'm beginning to get worried. "Niall can you help me zip up the dress?" Louis calls from behind the Japanese screen. I walk over and zip him up. He turns and smiles "how do I look?" He asks. I smile and look over him "beautiful" I whisper "but Louis I need to tell you something" I say as Louis walks over to the mirror and fixes his hair "go ahead" he says, looking into the mirror. "Um well Lou I don't know how to say this but we can't find Harry" I say just as Liam walks in and gives me a thumbs up "vest" I add quickly. Louis went from panicked to calm in a matter of seconds "oh gosh that's a relief I thought you were going to say Harry had got cold feet and left" Louis says and looks down, grabbing his veil. I walk over and grab it from him, placing it gently on top of his head "now you are ready to get married" I say and smile. He smiles and tears up "I can't believe my day is finally here" he whispers. I smile and hug him softly. "Lets go get you married" I say and help him downstairs.

Louis' pov:
I hear the music start and the bridesmaids and groomsmen make their way down the isle. I smile at my mum as she walks over to me and links her arm with mine. My step dad stands on the opposite side and links his arm with mine. We all begin walking down the isle and I smile wide at all the guests. I look foreword and beam when I see Harry standing at the end of the isle. He smiles at me and I smile back.

When we reach the end of the isle my parents release my arms and Harry takes my hand. I smile and step up, handing my bouquet to Lottie, my maid of honor. I smile at Harry and squeezes his hand softly.

"Do you Louis William Tomlinson take Harry Edward Styles to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and health, for rich or poor I do?" the minister says. "I do" I say and look into Harry's eyes. "And do you Harry Edward Styles take Louis William Tomlinson to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and health, for rich or poor I do?" The minister says. "I do" Harry whispers and squeezes my hand softly. I smile wide and squeeze back. "Rings" the minister says. Lottie hands me Harry's ring and Zayn hands Harry mine. I place the ring onto Harry's ring finger and smiles as I do so. Harry slides the wedding ring onto mine and smiles. "By the power vested in me by the city of England, I now pronounce you partners for life, you may kiss the groom" the minister says. Harry lifts my veil and leans down kissing me softly. I kiss back and smile against his lips.

When we pull away everyone is cheering and we both walk back down the isle. We get into the limo and the driver takes us to the venue. I look at Harry and begin crying. "Lou baby what's wrong?" Harry asks concerned "I just, I never thought I would get married. Especially to the love of my life" I cry softly. Harry pulls me onto his lap and holds me close "I love you so so much Louis" Harry whispers in my ear. I wipe my eyes and smile up at him "I love you so so so much more Haz" I whisper as I lean in and kiss him softly.

Hey guys sorry for the long long over due update. If you read the authors note you know I've had a lot going on lately. I'm really sorry, but I hope this was good. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, because it's the last chapter before the epilogue.. So yeah let me know what you think?

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