✧3- Meant to Be✧

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CHAPTER 3 - Meant to Be


"Hey,———, Look at this!" A cheerful voice came out of the young brunette's mouth, as it called out to a teal-headed figure in front of him.

The figure turned around and smiled.

I...can't make out his face..

"What's up, Endou?" He responded as he waited for the other to catch his breath from running to him.

"Did you see the news?" The words poured out of his mouth.

I can't control what I'm saying..

"The news?"

"Yea! There's a new soccer tournament!!! Look!" The brunette shoved his phone into the teal head's face, making the said boy stumble back a little.

Regaining his balance, the teal-head grabbed the phone from his friend and hit play on the video that had been saved.

Immediately grand music started to play out of the speakers.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" An extremely loud and over-excited man called out over the music, as he appeared on the screen, wearing an extremely....colorful tuxedo. "If you love soccer, get ready because we've got some extremely exciting news for you!"

"For the first time EVER! The Nemesis Council is putting together their very own SOCCER COMPETITION! And not just ANY competition! The I...F...S...C!!!!"

Each letter appeared on the screen extravagantly, doing its best to excite the viewer. And it was working.

"What's so special about the IFSC you may ask? Well, Let's let the man in charge explain it himself!"

The screen flashed to an old man whose wrinkled gave off his age.

'He looks old,' the brunette thought.

"Hello everyone. I am ———, the CEO of the Nemesis Corporation. Today I'm here to give you the details of the first-ever IFSC. The International Free Soccer Cup!"

His words held power and authority.

Just like....Just like....



Endou was snapped out of his thoughts, as his grandfather dragged him out of them.

"Grandfather! S-Sorry about that.."

Endou looked over to his last living relative and found a look of annoyance on his face. The dreams had not only been plaguing his resting periods, but also the times he was awake.

The elder man sighed.

"You've been zoning out a lot...What's going on..."

'Is he actually worried for me...or is it something else...'

"Um...no it's nothing...I just haven't been sleeping well...just some odd dreams I guess.." The brunette looked down, taking a glance at his dinner for the night and looking away. He had lost his appetite.

"Dreams..huh?" The tone his grandfather had replied in sent a shiver down the brunette's spine.

"It's really nothing!" The brunette reassured.

"Hm...Make sure you take your medication every night. We don't know if this is an aftereffect of the accident or not. Be careful." The elder man's voice was cold and rough.

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