Chapter Seven

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Alright lovelies this flashback lasts for a few chapters :)) and the gif on the side...omg i laughed for like ten years...anyway I hope you're enjoying the story so far and like this chapter too xxx

...So here it is; the first screw up in our perfect friendship. I don’t want to keep bringing up bad things from the past Niall, I really don’t. I’m writing this letter as an explanation first and foremost. However, if I can get you to remember how we were I will. What is really important about this point in our friendship is you. I want you to think about what you said to me; the good thing. I still remember quite well, it wasn’t that long ago after all. It’s crazy to think it was just two years ago actually, I was sixteen and you were seventeen...

Apparently I was a real magnet for trouble. Everywhere I went it seemed to find me. Trouble was my dad, the parties I went to, and all of the shit I seemed to find myself in without even trying. It wasn’t that I was a bad girl; in fact I tried my best to be good. I had decent grades, a part-time job, and rarely found myself in detention or even being lectured by one of my teachers. But that’s not exactly the kind of trouble that I found myself in on that cold day in September. In fact, at the time, it didn’t feel like trouble at all.

I was at school in my second last year. It was Niall’s last year. Pretty soon he would be leaving me; he’d be gone doing something with his life and I’d be stuck in this small town for another 365 days. The thought had been nagging at me that past summer; I was finally starting to grow up and realize we weren’t kids anymore.

That was what I was thinking about as Cassidy and I ate lunch at a picnic table outside. I was completely spaced out until she started snapping her fingers in my face. "What?" I asked, annoyed as I swatted her hand away.

Cassidy rolled her eyes, "You’re grumpy today. I was just trying to bring you back to reality instead of your little dream world." She was quiet for a minute, looking to the side. When she turned back to me she was grinning, "And to let you know that Ben’s been staring at you for about ten minutes now."

"What?" I said confusedly, following the direction she was staring. At the table a little ways down from us I made eye contact with Ben. I knew who he was; he hung out with Niall and his friends. However, I had never really paid him much attention. In fact, I barely knew a single thing about him other than that he was kind of obnoxious. And I only knew that from hearing him talk at lunch a few times.

I smiled a little before turning back to Cassidy. "Huh, that’s weird."

She raised her eyebrows suggestively, "Maybe you should go talk to him."

I shook my head, "No thanks." She rolled her eyes just as the bell rang. We left and headed for class, going in opposite directions. On my way through the hall I felt someone’s presence beside me. I casually glanced over and was surprised to see Ben there. He was smiling at me, his brown eyes looking into mine, and his light brown hair falling messily on his forehead. He wasn’t extremely tall or anything, but was taller than me. Mind you I was small, I always have been.

"Hey Megan," he said offhandedly as if we talked all the time, "What’s up?"

I shrugged, "Not much Ben, just on my way to class."

He grinned, I don’t know why; I said nothing clever or funny in any way. "What class do you have?"

"Biology," I answered with a grimace. It didn’t take long for him to jump into this story about how much he sucks at the subject and that he thinks his teacher failed him on purpose. When I told him the name of my teacher he slapped his thigh before pointing at me like I just got the answer right to a very difficult question, "That’s the one!"

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