Chapter Three

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...Here’s another one for you...another first that I’m not sure you remember. We’ve never really talked about it because perhaps it didn’t really matter that much. Still though, my first kiss burns in my memory and I can’t help but think about it every so often...

I was well into my twelfth year, nearly thirteen, when Cassidy had a house party. Well, her older brother Daniel had a house party. Their parents were gone for the weekend and they both invited a big group of friends. Niall was thirteen, nearly fourteen, and just old enough to hang out with Daniel’s friends. I would have preferred to be there with him considering what us twelve and thirteen year olds were doing.

                It’s rather embarrassing to think about now but we were in the living room playing truth or dare. I was sitting uncomfortably on the sofa, squished between Cassidy and this boy Tyler. At the time I thought he was cute; he had brown eyes that were a reflection of his dark mop of hair. He was outgoing in contrast to my shy, sometimes awkward demeanour. We were twelve though, and I would have fallen for any boy who shot me a smile.

                So when it came my turn and I was asked “truth or dare?” I immediately said truth. I just knew the dare would be something horribly mortifying. The question came from this girl I had never met before. Sure I’d seen her around school but I couldn’t even place a name to her face.

                “So, Megan,” she said coyly, “truth: have you had your first kiss?”

                My face flushed red; perhaps I should have picked dare after all. I was mortified to say that I hadn’t because I had a gut feeling that everyone in the room was in a different boat. I was sure that all of the girls in here could say that they had their first kiss, however insignificant and pathetic it might have been. And then there was me; the immature little girl who couldn’t attract a boy of I tried.

                The entire room took my silence and red face as a definite “no” to the question. Everyone swooned and snickered as I sat there, getting redder and redder by the second. Sensing my obvious discomfort, Cassidy stepped in and focused the spotlight on someone else. Meanwhile, I kept my eyes on my lap and tried to blend into the sofa. I absolutely hated being the center of attention; especially negative attention.

                I felt a hand on my back then and looked around confusedly to see Tyler grinning at me. He rubbed soothing circles on my back as he said, “Don’t be embarrassed.” I blushed a little deeper as he smirked cockily and returned his attention to the next victim of the game. Despite his words I felt more embarrassed than ever.

                Eventually the torture was over and we were all scattered in clusters around the house and property. I caught sight of Niall a few times and considered going to hang out with him. There was only so long I could hang out with all of these girls before I felt completely out of place. But Niall was in his own little world and I didn’t want to interrupt that. So instead I just stuck with Cassidy for a few more hours.

                At one point in the evening a group of girls including the one from earlier approached Cassidy and I giddily. I immediately assumed they were about to tell some gossip that I wasn’t a part of so I hung back and didn’t pay them much attention. That’s when I heard my name: “...Megan!”

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