Chapter 13

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"I didn't know moving overseas again would be so fucking complicated." I groaned and got out of the car.

"I told you it wasn't going to be easy, but I promise you it's going to be worth it." Harry said and turned off the engine to the car. "I'm so glad to be back here for a while."

I grabbed some of my luggage and walked up to the front door of his, well now our, house. Harry tossed me the keys and I unlocked the door. I stepped inside and gasped. "Holy shit this place looks almost the same."

"Yeah, I didn't change much after everything. I did redo some of the rooms but mostly everything else is the same." Harry moved the rest of the stuff inside while I strolled around the house. He was right, almost everything was the same. I went into his bedroom and opened the door and saw it was a disaster. Clothes were everywhere and I saw a few boxes of pizza.

"Harry Styles do you really have boxes of pizza in your room? You've been on tour since June. I can't believe you." I yelled down the stairs and started laughing.

"Shit, I thought I threw them out before I left," Harry said and walked into his room. "Geeze, no wonder why it smells in here."

"We're definitely going to have to redo your room now that I'm here." I faced him and gave him a hug. "Thank you, for everything."

"You're welcome, baby. I'd do anything for you, you know that right?" He pulled back and looked at my straight in the eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too." I stood up on my tiptoes and gave him a peck on lips and smiled. "Now let's start unpacking."


We were almost done unpacking so we decided to take a break and go grocery shopping. We eventually came back after roaming around the supermarket for an hour and started cooking. "Babe, dinner's ready!" I called up the stairs and waited for Harry to come down. I made us spaghetti and meatballs while Harry finished unpacking the rest of his clothes. "How come it took you longer to unpack your clothes than I did for mine?"

"This smells fucking amazing" Harry exclaimed and sat down. "Because I wanted to actually fold my clothes instead of shoving them into the dresser."

"I know, it was my dad's recipe" I said with a small smile. "Is that really the reason?"

"Yep," Harry managed to say while scarfing down his pasta. "I was thinking... Maybe we could get a dog? Or a cat?" He said and smiled.

"Really? I was never allowed to get a pet cause my mom was allergic to practically everything. I've always wanted a puppy!" I couldn't contain my excitement, my life was finally coming together.

"That's great! Do you want to go to the store tomorrow?" Harry finished off his plate and grabbed seconds.

"Sure! It doesn't even matter what kind, I just really want a puppy." I grinned and took a bite of a meatball. We talked about the puppy some more and finished eating. "Here, I'll just put the dishes in the dishwasher tonight."

"I'll help, let me go check my phone real quick."

I started to clean up the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher. I was already almost done when I heard Harry coming down the stairs. I looked over into the direction of the stairs and I dropped the plate I was holding. "HARRY OH MY GOD!" I screamed and ran over to him. "I can't believe you got a fucking puppy. You little shit, I love you." I smiled and kissed him. I grabbed the puppy from his hands and started petting it, it was the cutest puppy I've ever seen. I glanced up at Harry and saw he was laughing at my reaction.

"One question, what if I said no to wanting a puppy?" I asked him and gave the puppy a kiss on it's head.

"I would've kept her anyway, she's adorable!" Harry said and grabbed his phone from his pocket. He took a picture of us, capturing this moment. I was holding our new puppy and he was kissing my cheek. "Uploading that onto Instagram right now! It would be hilarious if we made an account for her. By the way what do you want to name her? The people I got her from said her name was Stella but we could change the name if we wanted."

"I think Stella's perfect," I set her down on the floor and watched her walk around a little, exploring the new area. "How old is she?" I questioned.

"They said she was 2 months old." He said with a smile and walked over to Stella who was now nearing the broken glass in the kitchen.

"Yeah... I should probably clean that up." I said and bent over to pick up some pieces.

"Let me do it, you can play with Stella." Harry said and started to pick up the glass.

"Don't hurt yourself!" I called and started to play with the small dog that ran to my hands. I sat on the kitchen floor and let Stella chew on my finger and I sighed. Things were finally started to fall into place.

I wrote this such a long time ago lol. I've decided to end the book here, but I wanted to fill you in on my ideas that I would've published them into chapters. My plan was to have them go through some rough patches like an affair and maybe a death in the family. After that, I wanted Harry to propose to her on the Eiffel Tower and have her say yes; I would've ended the book there. Writing this has been fun, but I'm kind of over the idea. I've decided I wanted to leave this in 2014 and start a new book in 2015 and try my hardest on it. I'm sorry if I've let you down, but I'm excited for the new year! I can't wait to see what I'll achieve in 2015, I 'm proud of what I've achieved with this book in 2014.

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