Chapter 6

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“I don’t know man, I honestly don’t think it was a good idea to get back together so quickly.” Zayn said while eating a bag of crisps. We were on the tour bus heading to our next show. It has been only one week since I’ve seen Brooklyn but it feels like a fucking lifetime.

“You don’t know shit, Zayn.” I spat at him. This whole week he has been lecturing me about getting back together with Brooklyn. He needs to mind his own damn business.

“I don’t want you to break her heart again. If you knew half of the shit she’s been through since you broke up, you would want to get to know her again. Not just fucking pretend everything’s okay because it clearly isn’t.” He shouted and got up to go back to his bunk. The rest of the boys were sleeping so I was glad they hadn’t witnessed the fight Zayn and I just had.

I had been on edge all week because of Brooklyn. When I walked into the dressing room when she was crying, I saw the box in her hands. I hoped that she didn’t look inside but I had no idea. I regretted dating Abbie, she was honestly a total bitch. I only had sex with her three times and that was because she practically forced me too. Ever since Brooklyn broke up with me I’d hooked up with random girls but then I found Abbie. I liked her for probably three weeks then I didn’t feel anything with her. I was planning on breaking up with her a month ago, but that was when she told me she was pregnant. She never showed me the test that she took, she just kept saying she that she was. She apparently has an ultrasound in a month, but I’m going to be on tour so I won’t be there. I needed to ask her what place she’s going to so I can call and ask if she actually had an appointment.

I needed to prove everything to Brooklyn that I still loved her and that I would do anything for her, but something tells me that no matter how hard I try she won’t love me the way she used to.


I was still unsure about my feelings towards Harry. I missed him, I really did. But did I still love him? I don’t know about that. Truth is, I was scared. I was scared that Harry will get violent with me again. I was scared about relapsing again. I haven’t harmed myself in three months and I haven’t thought about it as much as I used to. I pushed my thoughts aside, I didn’t want to think about anything involving that topic. I got out of my car and walked into the bar that I’d recently started working at. I walked to the back to get my apron and to clock in while muttering hi to a few of my co-workers. I’m not friends with a lot of them, but I do say hi to a few once in a while.

I stepped back behind the bar and made some drinks. It was only a Tuesday night so the bar wasn’t too crowded. I was cleaning up the area when one of my managers said it was time for my break. I hadn’t noticed I had been working for four hours already, it only felt like two or three.

I was wiping the counter clean one last time when I saw him. Oh my god, not here, not right now. It can't be him, I haven't seen him since last year. I quickly turned away and stepped into the back room. I asked my boss if I could leave because I wasn't feeling too well and she said yes because we weren't too busy. I ran out of the bar as quickly as I could and got into my car. I immediately locked the doors and sat down.

I can't believe I saw Austin. I thought he was long gone by now, but apparently not. A few months after Harry and I split, I met Austin and we started dating. He was nice to me for a few weeks but then he got controlling and violent with me. I put up with him for two months total, but I found out that he had a huge criminal record and was accused of raping four girls. As soon as I found out about what he had done, I left the state and stayed at a friends house in Pennsylvania for a while so he couldn't find me. I hadn’t told anyone about him, not even Zayn. I needed to leave here before he found me; who knew what he was going to do to me now?

I started driving back to my apartment when I got a huge headache. I thought nothing of it; it was probably because I was thinking too much about Austin. I made it safely back to my apartment, and when I got inside I made sure to lock the door right behind me. I wandered around, not sure of what to do. I could text Harry back, but I still was not sure about how I feel about him. I decided to go with it and text Harry. Hopefully they weren’t doing a show right now.

To: Harry- Hey…

I paced around my kitchen waiting for a reply. I opened a can of beer and drowned it in less than a minute; Since I’m not old enough to buy beer, Sam gets some for me, which reminded me that I have to ask him to buy me some more soon. I checked my phone again and there was still no reply. I’m literally going crazy, I knew he wouldn’t answer me back. There was a ding that sounded throughout the room which indicated that he messaged me back. I hesitantly picked up my phone to see what he said.

From: Harry- Brooklyn why the hell haven’t you been answering me?

Well that was straight forward, same old Harry I guessed. I wasn’t sure if I should tell him the truth about Austin.

To: Harry- Harry Im scared.

From: Harry- Why what happened are you okay?

To: Harry- I’m fine… I just dont think its good for us to get back together especially since we haven't talked to each other in more than a year

From: Harry- Im calling you

Seconds later after I got his text he called me. “Hello?” I asked into the phone.

“Why do you think that way?” He questioned, his voice laced with worry and a hint of anger. I desperately wanted to tell him what had happened to me with Austin but I knew that he would flip a shit.

“I-I can’t tell you.” I managed to choke out.

“Brooklyn you need to fucking tell me what happened if you want us to work out.” His tone was harsh, yet I knew he spoke the truth.

“It’ll be better if I tell you in person…” I trailed off. The line went silent for a few moments, “Harry?” I questioned.

“You’re doing online school right?” He asked.

“Um… yeah…” I answered, confused.

“I’m booking you a flight to come out to Toronto on the ninth. I’ll message you the information later.” He said and hung up.

What the hell happened.

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