Chapter 4

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The day had consisted of more lessons and more homework, and it was finally time for the concert. I had received many calls and texts from the boys begging me to come to the concert, and thankfully Harry hadn’t tried to contact me. He wouldn’t have been able to anyway, I changed my number after we split up. I searched through my closet, trying to find something to wear. I haven’t been to a concert in forever, so I had no idea what to wear. After a while, I decided on black high waisted shorts, a leopard crop top, and my black converse. It was 5:30 right now and sound check was at 6:30 but Zayn asked me to get there a bit early so we could talk. I grabbed my purse and phone and headed out the door to the cab that was waiting outside.


I stepped backstage at Jones Beach and admired the place, it was so beautiful. I looked around and tried to spot Zayn in the crowd of people preparing them for soundcheck. “Brooklyn!” I heard Zayn yell from somewhere, I guess he found me.

“Zayn?” I asked no one in particular, I still didn’t see him.

“Right here, love,” I heard him say, and I turned around, greeted by his warm smile. He grabbed me and hugged me, and I tickled his sides and he burst out laughing. “Somehow I knew you would do that.”

“Where are the other boys?” I asked while looking around trying to spot them.

“Here, I’ll show you.” Zayn grabbed my arm and led me towards them.

“Brooklyn!” I heard my name being called by the boys, I ran up towards them with a big smile on my face, I hadn’t seen them in ages. I was being pulled in so many directions when they all just hugged me at once.

“Boys, I know you’re glad to see me but I kind of can’t breathe,” I said while gasping for air.

“I guess that means you need to visit us more often!” Niall said, I missed his cute Irish accent. All of the boys had grown more and seemed more mature since I’ve last seen them. I looked around and saw four boys happy to see me, but there was one boy that was missing.

I pulled Zayn aside for a quick moment, “Zayn, where’s Harry?”

Zayn seemed taken aback by my question, it took a moment for him to respond. “He didn’t want to bother you, he’s over there hanging out with Lux and Lou I think… He should be here soon but we have to go out for sound check in a minute.”

“Alright…” I trailed off. I actually did miss him, I hate myself for that. I shouldn’t miss him but there’s still a part of me that doesn’t want to let go.

“2 minutes!” I heard a voice say over the speakers, signaling it was the boys’ time to go on stage for soundcheck. “Go have some fun,” I said and kissed him on the cheek. He seemed startled by my kiss, but if he was he never said anything about it. I’m shocked by what I  did too, I don’t know why I did it, but frankly I could care less.

Once the boys left, I wandered around backstage for a while, searching for something to do. I walked back towards the boys’ dressing rooms and saw the door to Harry and Zayn’s dressing room was slightly cracked open. I know I shouldn’t go in, I know it’s an invasion of privacy. I willed myself not to go in but curiosity got the best of me.

I got inside of the dressing room and locked it so no one could get in. I looked around and saw a bag on the floor next to the couch. I realized it was the same bag I gave Harry when we were dating. A pang of sadness hit me; I missed how things were. I wish I would have given him a chance to explain. It could’ve all been a misunderstanding. I stood there staring at the bag, I really wanted to know what he kept inside. I sat on the floor and unzipped the backpack. All that was in there was a toothbrush, a pack of gum, his journal, and a small box. I hesitantly opened the box and gasped when I saw what was inside.

Inside, there were pictures of us. I saw the picture of us at his house with Gemma and Anne, the picture of us at the pool, the picture of us with all of the boys. I was so wrapped up in our memories, that I didn’t notice I was crying. I wiped the tears with the back of my hand, not caring what I looked like at the moment. I searched more through the box and saw ticket stubs of when we went to the movies together in public- which wasn’t that often because of the fans. There was that one picture that made me start sobbing; it was the picture of us a few days before we broke up. Our last date, I remember everything about that night. It was the night he had taken me on the boat and told me how much he loved me. It was our last good memory together, and here it was in this box.

This damned box, why did he even have it? Why had he kept all of these things when he was the one to betray me? So many questions raced through my mind, and none of them were going to get answered. I sat there for a while in silence just looking at the pictures. I guess I sat there throughout all of soundcheck because I heard Zayn calling my name from outside of the room. I was still crying when Zayn somehow opened the door. He saw me on the floor crying and came inside and hugged me. He didn’t say anything, he just sat there and hugged me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Harry walk in the room. Zayn saw him too, and said in my ear, “I’m going to leave you two alone to work things out.” He gave me one last squeeze then got up and left. Harry was still silently standing in front of the door.

“Brooklyn?” He said in almost a whisper. I didn't answer, tears still rolled down my face. He walked over to me and sat down on the ground next to me and said, "Brooklyn, what's wrong?"

"Everything... Starting out with the box..." I asked, my voice cracking. I'm surprised I hadn't ran out of tears.

"Isn't it obvious? Brooklyn, I'm still in love with you. I always have been." Harry said looking me dead in the eye.

Hearing him say that only made me cry harder. "Baby, don't cry, please." He raised his hand to my cheek and wiped the tears away. "If you want to know why... I'll tell you. I miss you. I miss every single thing about you. I could list a million things. I love the way you talk about something you're passionate about, when you smile your eyes light up and you look so happy, when you’re frustrated your eyebrows crinkle and it's the cutest thing. I miss you, Brooklyn, I really do."

"Harry-" my voice cracked and I couldn't go on. Hearing him say that, I don't know what to believe anymore. I could tell he really was sorry but it could be an act to hurt me again.

For what seemed like forever, I stayed there in Harry's arms. For once, since the breakup, I felt safe. I needed to tell him what I've been feeling about him, about us. "Harry..." I said.

"Yeah babe?"

"...I think I'm still in love with you.”

Hey guys! I'm so sorry that I couldn't update until today, my internet has been out for three days and I was editing everything today. I would love any feedback that you might have on the story whether it's positive or negative! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter xx. :)

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