Chapter 5

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"Harry, I don't want you to leave," I said with a pout on my face. We snuck out and spent the remainder of the night after the concert at a nearby motel. It was seven in the morning and Harry and I were laying on the couch together.

"I'm sorry baby, we have to leave back on tour. Unless you want to come with us," he said with a smirk.

"You know I can't do that, I have school, plus the paps will probably find out about us."

"Right, we can't let Abbie know about us, not yet. Honestly, I don't even think she's pregnant with my kid. We've only had sex th-"

"Nope," I said while covering my ears. "I don't want to hear how many times you and my slut of a cousin have had sex."

"If it makes you feel any better," Oh no, this can't be good. "It wasn't nearly as good as what we've done before," Harry said with a wink. Damn him. "I really do love you, Brooklyn." Harry said and planted a soft kiss on my head.

I sighed, "I really do love you too."

Harry’s phone interrupted the cute moment we had. I hoped he wouldn’t answer; it was probably Paul or Preston wondering where we were. Harry muttered a few swear words while grabbing his phone off of the table in front of us. I was still laying on top of him, but the voice on the other end was muffled, so I could only make out that the person was yelling. Harry’s responses mainly consisted of ‘yeah’ and ‘I’m sorry.’ Harry ended the call and sighed, “We have to leave now, Zayn blew my cover.”

“Ugh. But I’m gonna miss you.” I said, climbing off of him and getting my purse, trying to find a hair tie. Harry and I decided that we didn’t want to stay with the boys at the hotel last night, so we had Zayn cover for us. We ended up walking to a small motel near Jones Beach late at night. For the first time in a long time, I felt happy. Maybe this was our second chance, and I didn’t want to ruin it for us.

“How are we going to get back to the hotel?” I asked Harry while putting my messy hair into a decent looking ponytail.

“Paul said he would send us a car in half an hour.” Harry said while buttoning up his shirt that was on the floor. We didn’t have sex; we came pretty close, but we both agreed it was too soon.

“You’re going to get in so much trouble. I feel bad.”

“It was worth it,” he said while wrapping his arms around me from behind and planting a kiss on the top of my head. “The car is going to be here in about twenty minutes, let’s try not to look like we almost had sex.” Harry said with a smirk.

“Cheeky boy, I like it.” I said with a grin. I pulled away from his embrace and walked over to the small mini fridge in the corner of our room. I opened the door and saw there was nothing inside. “Harry I’m hungry.”

Harry chuckled, “What do you want to eat, love?”

I stood there for a second while thinking and said, “I want a cheeseburger.”

As I said that Harry started laughing but managed to say, “Brooklyn, it’s seven in the morning.”

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