Chapter 21: New Beginnings

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"I called Gabby this morning," Jack said. She and Julia were eating breakfast, both having slept in late.

"Did you tell her what happened?"

Jack nodded. "Yeah." She paused for a moment. "I'm going to go stay with her and her parents."

Julia froze with her spoon halfway to her mouth. "For how long?"

"I don't know. At least for the weekend. But honestly, her parents are super cool and would probably let me stay for the rest of the school year."

"But, what about your parents? Wouldn't they get worried?"

Julia's insides twisted at the sadness on Jack's face. "Julia, they don't care," she said softly. "And besides, it doesn't matter. I'm 18. I can do whatever I want, technically. So if Gabby's parents are fine with me staying with them, there's nothing they could do about it even if they wanted to."

"And high school?"

"I've been debating about just getting my GED for a long time," Jack admitted. "I can study for the test and then just do it. Or maybe even enroll in Gabby's high school."

Selfishly, Julia wanted to talk Jack out of the plan. She wanted her around. But she also knew that getting out of the toxic environment of their town would probably be best for her. "I know it's not about winning or losing, but I hate that Daphne can just drive you out of school like that."

"Daphne can have Redwater," Jack said. "All I want to do is make my own life better. Take control."

"Well, I'll miss you." Julia had to fight back tears. "But I'm glad you're doing what's best for you."
"I'll miss you, too," Jack told her. "And Megan. But hey, it's not like I'm going that far. You can come and visit."

"Absolutely," Julia said. "What time is Gabby getting here?"

"Probably in about half an hour."

The girls had barely finished their breakfast when a knock sounded at the door. "That seems too early for Gabby," Jack said, confused.

Julia shrugged and went to open the door. She was greeted by the sight of not Gabby, but Will. He looked nervous.

"Hey," he said, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Is Jack here?"

Julia glanced over her shoulder at Jack, who gave a small nod. She looked calm.

"Yeah, come in." Julia stood aside.

"Hey, Jack," Will said as he entered.

"Hi Will."

"Is there, I mean." Will stammered over his words. "Can we talk, just the two of us?"

Jack studied him for a moment, but then nodded.

"You can use my room," Julia offered.

Jack led the way and Will shot Julia a grateful glance. Julia only nodded in return as Jack and Will went into her room and closed the door.

"What's going on?" Rory came out of his room, still in pajamas and messy hair.

'Uh, well, Jack told me she's going to go stay with Gabby for a bit," Julia recapped. "But then Will turned up and asked to talk to her in private, so not they're doing that." She nodded toward her closed bedroom door.

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