Chapter 27: Prom

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Rory was less than pleased when he found out that Julia had snuck out of the apartment to go to Will's. Fortunately for her, his disapproval of Will's parents leaving him alone on the anniversary of his sister's death outweighed his disapproval for Julia leaving in the middle of the night, so she got off easy. Grounded, yes, but only for the week, so she wouldn't even miss prom.

For his part, Will definitely looked better on Tuesday in school. Tired, but better. He even immediately agreed with Julia's suggestion that he should book a session with Eliza. Both of them knew that Julia being a receptor for all of Will's emotional baggage wasn't sustainable. He was set to talk to her that Wednesday during their free period.

But the excitement of prom soon seemed to drown everything else out, and soon enough, the very day came. Megan came over midafternoon so she and Julia could get ready together, doing each other's hair and makeup. A white boutonniere sat on Julia's desk, waiting for her to pin it on Will's suit. Will would pick Julia up at five. The senior class had a tradition of taking pictures at a park just outside of town before going to city hall, where dinner was served before the dancing began.

"Ugh, you look so good," Julia gushed as she finished up Megan's makeup. Megan had opted for a dramatic look, with sparkly eyeshadow and bright lips. Her hair was braided into an updo. Her look matched her sparkly, two-piece, high-neck peach dress perfectly.

"Well, I think you're my best work," Megan returned the compliment. Julia went for a more natural look, her hair in soft curls with a few braids twisted in the back. "But I really should go," Megan said. She had left her dress at home where Tony would pick her up. They would meet at the park later. "You need to get dressed."

Julia walked Megan to the door and gave her a hug before she left. "I'll see you soon."

"Can't wait!" Megan exclaimed. "It's going to be so much fun!"

Chuckling, Julia closed the door as Rory came out of his room. "Megan just left?" he asked.

Julia nodded. "Yeah, and Will should be here in about half an hour."

"Well, then, you should probably finish getting ready," Rory advised her.

Julia rolled her eyes but gave him a smile. "Yeah, I figured. Thanks."

Julia returned to her room and close the door. Her dress hung in a plastic bag on her closet door, and she carefully took it out and off the hanger. Slipping it on, Julia zipped up the side zipper before turning to look at herself in the mirror. It fit her perfectly. She added her shoes and jewelry, fastening her charm anklet as a final touch. With one last look in the mirror, she headed into the living room to wait for Will.

Rory was sitting there when she came in, and a bright smile lit up his face when he looked up and saw her. He stood up as she approached and gave her a hug.

"You look absolutely beautiful," he said sincerely.

Julia blushed slightly. "Thanks, Rory," she said. "I'm really excited for tonight."

"You should be. You deserve to have a good time."

Julia sat down on the couch next to her uncle, letting her feet rest before being on them for several hours.

"You're quiet," Rory commented.

"I guess I just haven't been this excited for something this normal in a really long time," Julia admitted. "I'm almost nervous."

"Nervousness and excitement are very similar feelings," Rory said. "And they often come at the same time, mixing together."

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. Rory smiled and kissed Julia lightly on the forehead. "Have fun tonight."

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