Chapter 17: The Parental Figures

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The next morning, still angry at Rory, Julia stayed in her room doing homework. Her only disturbance came around 10, as Rory knocked on her door. She ignored him.

"I have to go into the store," Rory said through the door. "I'll be back around two."

Julia didn't bother to respond.

The rest of her day passed normally. She talked to Will and texted Jack, ate lunch, and got most of her homework done. She checked her clock incessantly—a lot of colleges were expected to send out decisions today. It was only around four that she realized something was off.

Julia got up from her chair and went out into the living room. It was empty. She checked Rory's room. Empty as well.

Julia got out her phone to call him; angry as she was, she was starting to get concerned, but before she could dial a knock sounded on the door. It wasn't like Rory to forget his keys, so Julia answered the door apprehensively. She felt her insides freeze and her face pale as she took in the police officer standing in front of her.

"Are you Julia Harper?" the officer asked.

Julia nodded mutely.

"Niece of Rory Reynolds?"

Julia nodded again. She didn't like where this was headed, and worst-case scenarios began to flood her mind. "Yes, what's this about?"

The officer sighed, and the look of sympathy he gave her was one Julia knew all too well. "My name is Officer Danvers," he said. "There's been an accident. Your uncle is in the hospital."

Julia grabbed the doorframe to steady herself. She couldn't breathe.

"He's going to be fine," Officer Danvers continued quickly. "But I'm here to take you to the hospital."

Julia nodded and exhaled. "Yeah, okay, just give me one second." She closed the door, put on shoes, grabbed her jacket and purse, and was back out to Officer Danvers in less than a minute.

Julia had never ridden in a patrol car before, and under normal circumstances, she would have been fascinated. But not today. Today she was only wondering as to what exactly was waiting for her at the hospital.

During the ride, Officer Danvers explained exactly what happened. A small fire had started in the back of the store, but it wasn't caught in time so the entire building had gone up in flames. No one had been killed, but some, including Rory, had suffered from smoke inhalation. Nothing threatening, but enough for the hospital to want to keep them under observation.

Julia hated hospitals. After her own experiences, she never wanted to step into one again. Her breath shook for several reasons as she walked down the hall to Rory's rooms. She paused when she reached the door, gathering her courage before walking in.

Rory lay in bed, awake and watching television, but with an oxygen mask on his face. As soon as he saw her, Rory switched off the TV and turned towards her.

Julia slowly approached the bed, but still kept some distance.

"I'm not contagious, you know." Rory lifted the mask to speak, his voice hoarse but steady.

Julia couldn't smile.

Rory gave her a sympathetic look. "I'm okay, really. This is all just a formality."

Julia nodded, and before she could stop herself rushed to the side of his bed and pulled him in a tight embrace. She felt him pause for a moment, but then returned it genuinely.

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