Chapter 2: And the Day Drags On

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After English class, Julia headed back to her locker to drop off her copy of Pride and Prejudice. There was no point in carrying it around all day.


Julia started at the voice behind her. She turned around, closing the locker door with a bang to find a short girl standing behind her, smiling.

"I'm Megan," the girl introduced herself. "I saw you in English just now. I just wanted to say hi; it's not often we get new people."

"So I've heard," Julia said. "It's nice to meet you."

"And you," Megan said. "What class do you have next?"

Julia handed her schedule to Megan, who inspected it. After only a few seconds, a grin appeared on Megan's face. "Oh my gosh, that's so cool," she said. "We have everything together except our last two." Julia had art during fifth period, and sixth she had free.

"That's great," Julia said, letting Megan's enthusiasm fill the quota for both of them. "You can show me around."

"Awesome!" Megan said. "But we should get going. Mrs. Ravensway doesn't like latecomers." Ravensway taught AP Physics.

The next few periods went fairly well. After physics, Julia and Megan had AP Government with Mrs. Harrington, a rather spacey woman. Julia figured she would have to self-study quite a bit for that class. Next came AP Calculus with Mr. Dean, and in Julia's opinion, math in Texas was not much better than math in California. Finally, lunch.

Julia was glad that she had Megan to sit with at lunch; she had been nervous about not knowing anyone and being forced to sit alone. The pair entered the lunchroom together and found a table.

Megan brought her lunch from home just as Julia did, so the girls had the entire period to talk.

"So, what brings you to our small, humble town?" Megan asked.

Julia knew she would be getting that question a lot, but it didn't make it any easier to think about the true reason she had moved to Redwater. "I'd rather not talk about it," she mumbled.

Megan shook her head. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't pry."

"No worries," Julia said, "it's natural to be curious."

"How do you like your classes?" Megan asked, tactfully changing the subject.

"They're okay," Julia said. "They have fewer people than what I'm used to. Only 20 max instead of 30 to 40. But the teachers seem pretty good, and most kids seem nice."

A funny grin appeared on Megan's face. "Yeah, not to mention you're partnered up with Will Rivers in English. That can't hurt."

Julia shrugged. "He seemed arrogant to me."

"Well, of course he's arrogant," Megan said. "But that doesn't stop him from being hot. And popular."

"Of course, he is," Julia commented. "What, you have a thing for him?"

Megan snorted. "I've known him since I was in pigtails and we were both about three feet tall. No. But you're new and don't know anyone. And starting to get to know people with Will is not a bad place to be."

It was Julia's turn to snort. "Well then, what's his story? Please don't tell me he's the star quarterback who's going to take the school to win state championships and has a hot cheerleader girlfriend."

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