Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Merlin felt like he had been round the whole castle at least three times that day, just making sure everything was getting ready as it should for the big event that was going to take place next day. He couldn't stop a little smile breaking into his lips at the thought that, same time tomorrow, he wouldn't be Arthur's betrothed anymore but his husband. An adoring and caring husband whose whole purpose in life would be to make Arthur happy, especially after all he had been through in the last few weeks and that had had a deep effect in the once carefree and happy young man.

And thinking about the man he wanted to make happy more than anything in the world, Merlin suddenly realised he hadn't seen him since that morning when they had separated and he didn't have any idea where he was. He knew the knight training had been put off until after the wedding (especially now Camelot wasn't in danger anymore). He also knew it had been Merlin himself who had insisted for Arthur not to take any part in the preparations, wanting for everything to be a surprise on their special day, and also wanting Arthur to have a quiet day for himself before all the excitement that was about to come in the next days.

But Merlin still didn't like not knowing where Arthur was. Or how he was. Merlin knew Arthur was very excited about them being really and officially together, and was looking forward to their wedding as much as he was, but he was still having some difficulty in coming to terms with everything that had happened lately. His eyes were filled with a nostalgic sadness every now and then, when he thought Merlin couldn't see him. He had not recovered from his father's death yet when he had also had to bury his sister, however necessary her death might have been for the Kingdom's peace and how she had changed from the sister he had once known and loved. And... Merlin knew Arthur was completely alright with his magic now, he was even proud of it. Hey, he had even made it public to the whole kingdom, his voice full of pride and defiance in case anyone dared to make even the slightest comment against Merlin, and had immediately lifted the ban against magic, as long as it was used for good purposes. But still the discovery Merlin was a wizard and the disappointment at not feeling trusted by him had been a deep blow to his already wounded heart, even if they had already put that behind them and all was better than ever between them.

Suddenly having a strong urge to see his lover, Merlin closed his eyes and tried to establish a mental connection with him to see where he was. Their love was so strong it was not difficult for him to see Arthur was not in his room, as he might have presumed, but in the chamber where Uther's body had been laid to rest. And that probably meant he needed him.


Arthur was standing in front of his father's tomb, paying his respects as he used to do whenever he missed him so much it felt too overwhelming. He was so absorbed in his own thoughts that he jumped at the unexpected intrusion of a soft knocking in the chamber's door.

"Arthur?" Merlin's voice came from behind the door, eliciting a tiny smile in Arthur's lips. He should have known Merlin would come sooner or later, worrying about him. He always did.

"Enter" Arthur answered, giving his permission for Merlin to open the door, though he still wasn't ready to turn his eyes away from his father's tomb.

"Are you alright, Arthur?" Merlin asked, his head poking around the door. "I didn't want to interrupt you, but I hadn't heard from you for a long while and I was getting worried"

"I'm alright" Arthur answered, twisting his neck just a little to be able to look and smile at his lover.

"I'll leave you alone then" Merlin smiled back and turned to go, with the intention of closing the door behind him, but Arthur stopped him first.

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