Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Merlin was waiting for the King to finish getting dressed for the day. The young warlock had already been up and about for some time, helping Gaius with some errands he was needed for, only to find that meanwhile the young King had arranged another meeting with the wise men of the kingdom. Merlin had swiftly made it to Arthur's chambers to see what it was about.

"I thought you said you'd be supervising the knights' training today" Merlin asked, patting Arthur's hands out of the way so he could arrange the collar of his shirt for him, loving the feeling of taking care of his lover as usual. "How come you've arranged another council after yesterday's?"

"I... I just had to speak with my counsellors and knights again" Arthur answered, evasively, obediently staying still for Merlin to take care of him.

"Are there any news from Essetir?" Merlin asked, instantly worried about the ongoing war, while he ran his hands through Arthur's sleep-ruffled hair to flatten it.


"Then you've changed your mind about our course of action" Merlin insisted, not used to being left outside any of Arthur's decisions.

"No" Arthur denied again.

"Then what is it?"

"I just... I want to speak to them, that's all" Arthur dismissed him again, moving away from his grasp and towards the door.


"It's time to go, Merlin, you'll find out soon enough"

"Does this mean I am invited to it?"

"Weren't you always?" Arthur turned in amusement.

"Not really, though I came anyway" Merlin joked.

"That's true. So will you do me the honour of accompanying me?" Arthur asked, mockingly formal, as he stretched his hand for Merlin to take it.


"Don't bother to sit down" Arthur announced to everyone on the council room once he arrived, Merlin close at his heels. "This won't take but a minute"

"What is it, milord?" one of the oldest advisors asked, sensing it was not going to be a regular meeting. "We were not expecting another meeting today"

"I have an announcement to make. I would like for you to be the first ones to know, because it's really a very important matter, though I'm sure the news will swiftly arrive to every single person in Camelot within hours"

Arthur stopped himself for a minute to breathe deeply and to take a look around him. All the eyes in the room, including Merlin's, were on him. Expectant. Surprised. Arthur knew the surprise would leave room to shock in every single pair of them once he had spoken the words he intended to speak. But nothing could stop him now he had made the decision.

"I... I have chosen a partner to share my life" Arthur solemnly announced, and Merlin almost chocked on his own saliva at that. What the hell did that mean? Had Arthur finally stopped following his heart and had decided to sacrifice his happiness for the sake of the kingdom? Had he found a princess or a noble girl to marry and hadn't had the courage to say anything to him?

"That's magnificent, milord. Do we know the lady?" one of the oldest advisors asked.

"Will it be an strategic commitment?" another one said.

"Yes, you know the person I love and no, I'm not choosing them for the Kingdom's interest. I want to be with that person because I love them with all my heart" Merlin noticed how Arthur avoided using the words "lady" or "her", and he didn't dare to hope that meant what he thought it meant.

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