Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"Are you sure you're really up to it?" Merlin asked for what it felt like the hundredth time as he carefully helped Arthur put on his shirt.

"Merlin, it's just a little walk to the council room, I think I can make it" Arthur assured him, though the little grunt of pain that escaped his throat when he stood up belied his words.

"I'm sure they can do one more day without you"

"I'm sure they can, I trust Leon with my life and I'm sure he's being doing a wonderful job with keeping Camelot together. But it's not that: I can't keep avoiding my duties as a King. My people would stop trusting and believing in me, and I don't need that"

"They know you've been hurt" Merlin insisted, placing a hand on his shoulder in a unconscious gesture to keep him in place.

"But I'm doing better. I'm not going on a mission, nor even training with the knights. I'm just going to sit on a chair and listen. I guess I can do that, don't you think?" Arthur asked with an ironic grin.

"Alright, but you have to promise me you'll come back immediately if you start feeling poorly"

"I promise. And now, please, may I go rule my country?"

"Don't be such a prat" Merlin admonished him with a smile and a little push to the door. "I'm going to stand right next to you all the time, though, watching you, I hope you realise that"

"As if I had any doubt..." Arthur replied, giving Merlin a quick peck on the lips before letting himself be pushed to the door.


"I think I speak in everyone's behalf when I say we are very glad to see you're doing better, Sire" Leon spoke once in the council room, and Arthur had to fight the smile that threatened to break in his lips at Leon's absurd formality every time they were in a more official situation, like if they weren't best friends in their private life.

"Thank you, sir Leon" Arthur responded, equally formal –though the knight could see he was mocking him by the wink of his eye he discreetly send his way. "Now please have a seat and tell me everything that has been going on during my convalescence"

"Are you sure you're up to it? We could go through it tomorrow"

"Not you too, Leon!" Arthur groaned, forgetting for a moment he was not alone with his friends and his lover. "Merlin already tried to stop me from leaving the bed"

"When I went to wake him up this morning" Merlin added, not wanting for anybody to think he had spent the night in the King's chambers, even if it was true.

"Of course, that's what I meant" Arthur agreed, his face going to a deep shade of red that fortunately only Leon understood, who had to cough to hide the little chuckle the situation elicited from him.

"What a loyal servant you are, Merlin, always worrying about the King so much" one of the oldest advisors innocently added, and this time even Merlin blushed.

"It's my duty" he answered in a soft voice, looking at the floor to avoid any eye contact with anybody in the room.

"Well, Sire, if you're sure you're up to it..." Leon decided to intervene to help his friends, before it was too late and they clumsily spilled the beans about their relationship, "we should talk about the war with Essetir"

"Of course. I assume we haven't had any news from Cenred while I was wounded" Arthur said.

"No, we didn't" Leon answered. "We haven't had any indication of rendition from them, even if we know their army was too weakened on the battle to properly continue with the war. Nor any indication of another imminent attack, of course"

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