Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Merlin sat on Arthur's bed with his back to the headboard at the early hours of the morning. He looked down and smiled at the sight of Arthur's beautiful face on his lap, fast asleep. He had fallen asleep while Merlin was taking care of his minor injuries, no doubt caused by fighting, his body exhausted, his mind peaceful at last.

The young warlock hadn't felt like sleeping, though. When he had noticed Arthur's lack of response to his silly talk and had looked at his face to discover he was asleep, he had felt a rush of tenderness and love that had shaken him in bliss. Too many feelings where swirling in his heart at the moment for him to be able to sleep, so he had contented himself to sit on the bed, carefully manoeuvred Arthur so he would use his head as a pillow –would a day arrive when he didn't need Arthur's contact so much?– and had been gently caressing Arthur's hair since then.

At midmorning Merlin heard a soft knock on the door and he panicked for a second. For them to be seen in this compromising position... would not leave much to imagination, would it?

"Sire?" Gaius softly called from behind the door, in case the King was asleep, and Merlin sighed, clearly relieved it was the old man.

"Come in, Gaius" Merlin called for him to enter, softly so as not to wake Arthur yet.

"Good morning, Merlin" Gaius greeted him when he entered the room, and a big smile instantly broke in his face. "So Arthur's back"

"Yes, though he didn't arrive until almost dawn" Merlin explained, rolling his eyes fondly at the old man.

"No, I meant... he's really back" Gaius pointed out, his hands gesturing to the fact Arthur's head was on Merlin's lap and there was a hand strongly holding Merlin's thigh, as if it was indeed a pillow.

"Yes, he is" Merlin nodded, happiness written all over his face, understanding what Gaius meant.

"I don't know what you did, but he has a much better colour than the last time I saw him. His expression looks much more peaceful too"

"I didn't do anything, really. I guess he just was able to forgive and forget, and could finally let go of all that anger and disappointment"

"How is he doing?"

"He broke a couple of stitches and I think he was in some kind of fight, but nothing too serious"

"Do you want me to take a look at him?"

"No, I already took care of it. I would rather he slept. He really needs that" Merlin answered, fondly turning his gaze towards Arthur's angelic face and smiling.

"Alright. Give him my best wishes when he wakes up. Oh, and send for me if you need me" Gaius offered, knowing he wouldn't hear from the young couple at least until the next day, such would be their need to be together.

"I have one last favour to ask, Gaius. Could you tell Leon that Arthur is still not feeling good enough to meet him? I would like him to rest all day without interruptions, unless he feels up to it"

"Of course, I'll search for him immediately"

"I will. Thank you, Gaius. For everything" Merlin honestly thanked his mentor, and Gaius could only smile before leaving the room.

Merlin remained unmoving, except for the hand stroking Arthur's hair, for a couple of hours more. He was surprised he didn't get tired or bored, but the need to feel close to Arthur, both physically and emotionally, had him glued to the bed and to Arthur's form. He knew there was still a lot to talk about, a lot of wounds to heal and barriers to break, but he was feeling hopeful. Arthur had told him that he loved him, and if there was something Arthur was, that was honest.

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