Chapter 13

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Chapter 12

Throughout the night, Merlin could tell exactly when Arthur was sleeping and when he was not just by the way he breathed. Nobody knew that, but the young King was not an easy sleeper. Sometimes he would have insomnia, usually caused by some urgent kingdom matter that needed solving and that kept him awake just trying to figure out what to do. Or if he was worried or upset about something, he would just lie awake, unable to close his eyes for a second. Or sometimes, even if he finally fell asleep, he would still keep dreaming about his worries, murmuring unintelligible words in his unease sleep.

Whenever that happened, though, Merlin would be there to make it all better. If Arthur was fretting about finding a solution for a problem, Merlin would sit with him and patiently listen to him, offering his advice and trying to find a solution with him. If sleep avoided him because he was worried or upset, Merlin would make him snuggle against his chest and would envelop him in a bear hug, all the while telling him absurd stories that would make him chuckle and take any worry out of his mind so only the feeling of being protected and secure would stay. And if he had nightmares, Merlin would sooth him with whispered words of comfort while his hand gently caressed the top of Arthur's head and played with his hair until he could feel him relax in his slumber.

Merlin heard Arthur's soft voice speaking uncompressible words right then, loud enough for him to hear but not to wake the others, undoubtedly caused by some nightmare he was trapped in. With him being in so much pain and everything that had happened later between the,, it would have been a miracle if he fell into an easy sleep, even with him being so weak.

Merlin immediately got up from his place a few feet away from his lover –though he doubted he could keep thinking about Arthur as that– and shortened the distance between them until he was right next to him. He hesitated about what his next step would be, but then Arthur shuddered and winced in pain when he moved his arms, fighting an invisible demon only he could understand. Merlin instantly decided that no one, not even Arthur himself, was going to keep him away from him when he needed him the most, so he swiftly laid down next to him and moved Arthur's head until it was lying on Merlin's shoulder, his body resting against his side. Then he made sure the blanket was covering every inch of the blond's body, except for his head, and embraced him as strongly as he dared so as not to wake him, and he started a pace with his hand all through Arthur's soft hair. No matter how angry, afraid or disappointed Arthur was at him: Merlin's touch still had a strong effect on him and he immediately relaxed under his loving ministrations.

Merlin knew he was taking a big risk, of been found out and of Arthur waking up to find himself in the sorcerer's arms. But he couldn't care less at the moment: Arthur's wellbeing was much more important than any of that. And Merlin needed the contact with the young King as much as he did, he realised, even if it was for the last time.

"Sleep, love" he whispered, depositing a small kiss on Arthur's warm forehead. "I'll take care of you"


Merlin made sure to separate himself from the King, by then sleeping more peacefully, before the first rays of the sun lightened the autumn sky. No good could come out of them been found lying entwined together, and there wasn't anything else he could do for Arthur.

Since he was already up, Merlin started making some broth, knowing it was the most probable dish Arthur would agree to eat, and he desperately needed some nourishment if he was to start his recovery.

Soon the smell of the delicious food reached everybody's nostrils –even Arthur's– and they started waking up. Leon approached the King to see for himself how he was faring, and he helped him sit up as Merlin pretended to be busy with the food. The servant didn't know how Arthur was feeling towards him after a good night's sleep, but he didn't want to find out in front of the other knights.

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