Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Everybody in Camelot awoke with a dreadful feeling in his guts the next morning. The news of what had happened to the King and his men had reached every house in the village, and the fear of a war, that until then had been so abstract, had suddenly become definite. They trusted their King with their lives, they knew he would take the best course of action and protect them as long as he could. But that didn't mean they were not in danger.

Merlin could read this same fear in Arthur's eyes as they got ready for the day in the King's chambers. Not fear for his life, Merlin knew that much. But he feared he might take the wrong decision again, that he would fail in protecting his people, that he wouldn't know what to do. And Merlin was afraid too: he feared for Arthur's life and emotional wellbeing.

"Merlin, please, could you help me with the armour?" Arthur asked, taking Merlin out of his reverie, coming to him and depositing the pieces on the table.

"I thought I wasn't supposed to be your servant anymore" Merlin joked, trying to break the tension of the room.

"That's why I said please" Arthur joked back, placing a tiny kiss on Merlin's nose, and the latter could only comply and help Arthur get ready.

Merlin worked in silence, carefully tightening all the belts that kept Arthur's armour in place. He pretended not to notice how the King hissed when the armour made contact with the wound on his shoulder, because he knew Arthur would not appreciate the concern right then and the last thing Merlin wanted was to put more pressure over him. But he couldn't help but to worry about him.

"Ready?" Merlin asked when he was finished, firmly holding Arthur's arm as if he could somehow pass some confidence and reassurance on him.

Arthur nodded, not finding the need for words, and gladly smiled at Merlin in gratitude when the latter joined their lips in a quick peck and gently pushed him through the door of his chamber. It was time to face reality.


All his most trusted knights were already in the Council Room when Arthur made his appearance, Merlin close at his heels. In moments like that Arthur felt very grateful Merlin was still his servant to the eyes of everybody in Camelot, as he could have him near to support him in almost any situation. Like the one they were about to live now: when Arthur would officially declare war on Essetir.

"Gentlemen" Arthur greeted them when he made it to the end of the table.

"How are you feeling, milord?" Leon was quick to ask, worried as always about his friend.

"I'm alright, Leon. Thank you for your concern" Arthur nodded at him in agreement, and turned to the rest of his men. "I guess you all know the terrible happenings that took place in our deeply failed mission"

Nobody said a word, but Arthur saw a few of the men (the ones who were not so close to him so as to be considered friends) lower their heads, as if wanting to avoid his gaze so he would not guess their disappointment in him, or so he thought. He noticed, though, how Leon, Gwaine, Percival and Elyan all looked at him, heads high, as if daring someone to speak ill of their king, and Arthur had to suppress a smile at their never-ending loyalty.

"So, as you can imagine, there's no way to avoid war now if we want to protect the people of Camelot" Arthur announced.

"We're behind you, sire" Gwaine spoke on every knight's name, giving him their support.

"We'll leave immediately. Only a small guarding patrol will stay in Camelot, to protect it if need should arise, and everyone else will be going with me"

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