Chapter 1

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Arthur is not having a good time as the newly crowned King of Camelot, and everything seems to get harder and harder until he comes to discover the most shocking secret he could have ever imagined, greatly affecting his relationship with his beloved servant. SLASH Arthur/Merlin

Chapter 1

Merlin smiled once again at the glorious smell coming from the tray in his hands as he walked the last corridor to his final destination. That morning he had decided to spoil the King a little bit, with all his favourites for a nice and warm breakfast in bed. Merlin wouldn't even open all the curtains with violent and voluntary force, as he usually did, so as to wake him nice and slow for once, making sure Arthur could start the day in a good mood. He really deserved it, Merlin thought, after the events of the last few weeks.

Merlin tried to balance the tray to reach the doorknob, not bothering to knock so as not to wake Arthur up just yet, and entered the chambers silently, almost unable to keep the smile out of his face at what he expected to be a nice surprise. But the smile quickly faded from his lips when he saw Arthur leaning on the far wall, looking through the window with a sad expression. The same expression he had been wearing for more than three weeks and that made Merlin's heart break every time.

"Arthur?" Merlin called quietly, not wanting to disturb the pace of the room. "Are you alright?"

"Yes" Arthur responded too quickly, without turning to look at Merlin, who was depositing the breakfast tray on the table, already forgotten.

Merlin came behind the King and swiftly put his arms around Arthur's waist to hold him strongly, resting his chin on the blond's shoulder.

"Couldn't you sleep anymore?" Merlin asked, resting a soft kiss on the exposed skin of Arthur's neck.

"I woke up and you weren't there" Arthur answered with no trace of reproach on his voice, covering Merlin's hands on his waist with his own.

"I'm sorry, love, I just wanted to surprise you with a nice breakfast on bed before the day started and everything became complicated again"

"Aw, did you?" Arthur turned his head around to look at the beautiful face on his shoulder and gave him a small smile, though it was enough to make Merlin's heart swell with love.

"Yes, but you just ruined it" Merlin joked, and he started pulling Arthur, still in his embrace, towards the bed. "So return to the bed right now and let's pretend I just woke you up with a kiss, alright?"

"Sounds good to me" Arthur chuckled, and let himself be manhandled until he was once again lying under the covers on his side on the bed.

"Good morning, your Highness" Merlin said against Arthur's lips as he bent down to gently kiss his lips.

"Just five more minutes" Arthur joked, turning his back to Merlin and pulling the covers over himself.

"Hey!" Merlin protested, mockingly hitting Arthur on his side. "Why are you ruining it?"

"You told me to pretend you were just waking me up! And you know better than anyone that's what I would say if I was really sleeping"

"But now it would come the part where you'd actually smell what's in the tray and just realise what a wonderful companion you have"

"I don't need a tray to know that" Arthur answered honestly and cupped Merlin's face to bring it to his and be able to kiss his lips in gratefulness.

"Mm... I think I'll always bring you breakfast to bed, if that's what it takes for you to be so sweet" Merlin joked as he got up to pick up the tray from the table.

"I'm not going to complain if you decide to do so" Arthur answered as Merlin deposited the tray he was carrying on his lap.

"Don't eat it all, it's supposed to be for the two of us" Merlin warned him playfully, knowing how good and appetite his lover usually had –though not in the last weeks.

"I would never deprive you of your food, love, you're skinny enough as it is" Arthur answered lovingly, placing a quick peck on Merlin's lips before starting to eat his half of the breakfast.

Merlin took the chance to look at the King while they ate, trying to find any trace of the sadness and worry he knew had made their place inside Arthur's heart exactly three weeks ago. The moment King Uther had breathed for the last time. And they were there alright, Merlin could tell, if only for the fact of how quite Arthur was and how little he was eating, as much as he tried to fool him playing with the food.

"So what were you doing there, at the window?" Merlin asked after a while.

"Nothing special, just... thinking" Arthur answered evasively.

"About?" Merlin insisted, feeling the need for Arthur to let go whatever was troubling him.

"You know what about" Arthur answered with a sad smile. "You know me better than I know myself"

"That's true" Merlin chuckled in agreement. "So were you thinking about your father?"

"I miss him" Arthur responded, simply.

"I know"

"Sometimes I miss him so much I hardly can stand it" Arthur said, his voice breaking with emotion, and Merlin hurried to throw his arm around Arthur's shoulder and squeeze him hard against his side.

"You're not alone, Arthur" Merlin reminded him, pushing Arthur's head into his own shoulder and starting to stroke his hair soothingly.

"I know. You are the only reason I haven't fallen into despair by now" Arthur confessed, honestly, and Merlin felt a tugging of love in his heart for the wonderful man in his arms.

"I would never let you fall, love" Merlin answered, depositing a soft kiss on Arthur's temple.

They remained in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, both of them lost in their own thoughts, Merlin's hand never stopping the soothing rhythm on Arthur's hair.

"It will get better, you know" Merlin promised, breaking the silence.

"When? It's been three weeks and it still hurts like the first day"

"But that is only because it's still too recent. And because apart from being sad about your father, you're under a lot of pressure as the new King. You have some much to worry about you still haven't found the time to properly mourn him. Not the King, but the man. Your father"

"I guess that's true. But I can't help but worry about the kingdom at all hours. With Morgana on the loose, the imminent war with Cenred..."

"I know, it's a big burden to carry"

"I'm not ready for this" Arthur finally confessed his biggest fear, breaking Merlin's heart.

"Yes, you are, Arthur" Merlin told him seriously, letting go of him to cup his cheeks instead, forcing him to look at him. "You've been ready for quite some time"

"That's what he said" Arthur confessed, a lonely tear making its way down his cheek, unnoticed.

"See? Your father was not very generous with his compliments, if he told you it's because he really thought it was true"

"And what if he was wrong?" Arthur insisted, taking one of Merlin's hands still on his face to squeeze it lovingly.

"He wasn't. In fact, you've been taking care of everything since Morgana... Since your father fell ill" Merlin thought it was not the moment to talk about the betrayal Arthur's sister had committed not so long ago. "And you did great. You just have to continue doing it just as well and everything will be alright"

"When you put it like that, it seems so easy..." Arthur smiled, making Merlin chuckle and embrace him once again.

"I know it's not easy, but I also know you can do it. You're destined to be the greatest king the world has ever known. I trust you entirely"

Arthur smiled again and extricated himself from Merlin's embrace just enough to capture his lips, letting all the love and gratefulness he felt for his lover show in that kiss. With Merlin at his side, it almost looked easy. With Merlin by his side, maybe he would be able to do it.

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