Season 10 Episode 2 - Purpose In Life

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The Saviours are hard at work as they are sharping their weapons and keeping guard at the gates when Lilly who looks like her usual self walks past them and as she past they all bow to their knees, kneeling on one knee showing her respect and Lill...

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The Saviours are hard at work as they are sharping their weapons and keeping guard at the gates when Lilly who looks like her usual self walks past them and as she past they all bow to their knees, kneeling on one knee showing her respect and Lilly smirks.

Troy is in his and Lilly's bedroom and Troy is playing with Jacob when Negan walks inside the room and Troy and Negan look at each other and Negan closes the door

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Troy is in his and Lilly's bedroom and Troy is playing with Jacob when Negan walks inside the room and Troy and Negan look at each other and Negan closes the door. Jacob looks up at Negan and his eyes widen in excitement and he shouts "Papa!" as he runs into Negan's arms. Negan lifts Jacob up in his and positions him on his hip. Troy says flatly "She isn't here" Negan nods and says "I'm not here to see Lilly, it's you who I wanna see" Troy stands up straight and says "Wow a visit from the King from himself" Negan glares at Troy and says "Dont get smart Troy" Troy glances down at his Son and asks "What is it you want Negan?" Negan scratches at his eyebrow and says "I couldn't help but notice you're getting a hella close to Anna" Troy rolls his eyes and says "Gimmie a break, Anna and me are just friends" Negan nods as he glances to Jacob who is in his arms bouncing on his hip and says "Did Lilly ever tell you about Lucy? Her Sister..Lucy was born a year before Lilly but Lucy died when she was only a few months old but once Lucy died me and Lucille went through a rough patch even though I adored her I treated her like shit and that's exactly what your doing with Lilly. Little piece of advice dont mistreat her. I treated Lucille like shit and all I had to do was say sorry and everything was right as rain the next time but Lilly is not Lucille. Lucille was a great woman but she was soft, her heart was too big and Lilly has a heart but she takes after me more. If Lilly finds out you're cheating on her she wont think twice of killing you cause of your betrayal think about what I said" and Negan kisses Jacob's head and sets Jacob down on the floor and walks out.

 If Lilly finds out you're cheating on her she wont think twice of killing you cause of your betrayal think about what I said" and Negan kisses Jacob's head and sets Jacob down on the floor and walks out

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Lilly is sitting at the meeting table with Negan and Troy and Kim and the rest of The Saviour Council. Lilly says "You all know what's happened these past weeks. There is another group out there among us they call themselves The Whisperers and their leader is a Woman who calls herself Alpha. Alpha came to me wanting me to surrender this Sanctuary and for the whole group to leave The Sanctuary - Our Sanctuary. I couldn't do that, so I told her that we would not surrender. Alpha then got three people of her group to sneak in here, and they were in Ethan's room and they shot Troy and Killed Ethan. It's time, time we fought back" Anna asks "Ha you're not being serious?" Lilly slams her first down on the wooden table and bellows "THIS BITCH MURDERED MY THREE YEAR OLD SON AND LEFT MY HUSBAND FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE! OF COURSE I'M FUCKING SERIOUS!" Anna looks down and Lilly rubs her temple as everyone looks at Lilly. Lilly says "I need to see how they operate that's the only way we crush them. I need someone I trust to join her group and tell me everything, be my eyes and ears. I would do it but she knows my face" and a moment later Kim says "I'll do it" and Lilly shakes her head "Thanks for the offer Sis but you got Chrissy Jr to think about" and Troy says "What about me?" Lilly shakes her head and says "Nah I cant put you in the firing line besides she knows about you". A moment later Negan stands up and says "I'll do it, I'll join The Whisperers" and Lilly looks up at Negan in shock and asks "What?" Negan says "Its gotta be me" Lilly shakes her head and says "No theres no knowing what this freak would do, I cant put you in danger. We will find someone else" Negan looks down to Lilly and says "No I'm going and that's final. Laura find out where there camp is" and Negan walks out of the meeting room.

That night Negan who is shirtless is packing some clothes inside his black rucksack and Pauline walks in and asks "Is it true? Are you leaving? I had to hear it from A Saviour!" Negan nods and says "Yeah I'm heading tomorrow" Pauline exclaims "Why...

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That night Negan who is shirtless is packing some clothes inside his black rucksack and Pauline walks in and asks "Is it true? Are you leaving? I had to hear it from A Saviour!" Negan nods and says "Yeah I'm heading tomorrow" Pauline exclaims "Why?!" Negan says "Lilly has a plan, for someone to join their group and find out everything Whisperer related" Pauline angrily asks "and that's you?! Did Lilly put you up to this?!" Negan shakes his head and says "No Paul, this was my choice. I put myself up for this" Pauline rubs her head frustration "Why?! What about us?! What if Alpha kills you and you dont make it out?!" Negan throws his rucksack down on the bed and shouts "That's a chance I have to take!" Negan exhales trying to calm himself down. A moment later Negan says "Look I dont expect you to understand you got no kids. When Lucy died in my arms a part of me died with her that night and I was at rock bottom cause I kept thinking about my Baby girl and how she lay there in my arms dead, I was ready to kill myself but then Lucille came to me and said she was pregnant again and then Lilly was born and she changed my life, she gave me hope...a purpose in life and I swore to myself, and to Lucille and Lilly who was only born that I would always do whatever I have to do to protect her. She is the only kid I got left and when the end of the world started I trained her to fight and how to handle weapons. Before all this she was pure and innocent and wouldn't hurt a fly, you seen what she done yesterday to Lou? That was me, it's my fault. I ruined her innocence and her life, so yeah if I have to join Alpha and her bunch of freaks and if I die in the process then so be it!" and Pauline looks taken back.


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