Season 10 Episode 1 - Weak and Broken

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illy is in the exercise room and is punching the punch bag as there is sweat running down her face as she darkly and angrily looks at the punch bag as she unleashes her anger on the bag in front of her. Kim approaches her from behind and says "I knew I'd find ya here. You've been locking yourself up in here" and Lilly says "Well I gotta hit something" and Kim says "Lill we gotta talk" and Lilly stops punching the bag and looks at Kim and asks "What?" Kim says "I'm worried about you, everyone is. At first you would just lock yourself away and not break a breath to anyone and this past week you've been in here just constantly exercising" Lilly continues to hit the bag and says "It doesn't concern you K" and Kim grasps hold of Lilly's upper arm and says "Will you stop punching?!" Lilly stops punching the punch bag and turns to look at Lilly and says "I know I'm not your real family, I'm just Your Brothers Widow but before Chrissy I was friends with you and you became my Best Friend and somehow along the way you turned into my Sister. You saved me and made me who I am today and for that I will be forever grateful, i was a shell of a woman fearful of everything. But I worry about you and this behaviour has to stop, you still have children and a Nephew and me and Negan and Troy who's depending on you...this group is depending on you" and Lilly says "I understand what you're saying but i now have two dead children. When Jason was born I took one look at his little face, into his crystal blue eyes and that's when I realised that it wasn't just about me anymore. Everyone in life has a duty, My Dads duty was to lead and yours is to help keep everyone safe and mine was to be a Mother, to protect my children and I failed" Kim shakes her head and says "No, you haven't" and Lilly laughs and says "Aw c'mon Kim open your eyes! Meghan and Ethan are both dead...I couldn't protect them" and Kim says "I'm sorry you're going through this but you gotta pick yourself up Babes, and besides other shit is happening" and Lilly asks "What?" Kim says "Somsone has stolen food from the inventory" and Lilly scoffs in disbelief as she says "Somebody has been taking our stock?!" Kim nods and says "and that's not all, the group has been talking" and Lilly asks "Saying what?" Kim awkwardly looks away as she says "They have been saying you have lost it, that you're not on top anymore. That since Ethan's death you're weak and broken" and Lilly clenched her jaw and fist and says "Really? Who was it that started to spread this shit?!" Kim scratches the back of her neck and says "Lou Smith" and Lilly nods and says "I want everyone including that skank in the front room, spread the word" and Kim nods and says "You got it Lill" and Kim walks off leaving Lilly alone. Lilly glares at the punch bag and punches the bag in temper.

Outside Negan is standing by Ethan and Meghan's graves as he looks down and sadly smiles at his Grandchildrens graveside

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Outside Negan is standing by Ethan and Meghan's graves as he looks down and sadly smiles at his Grandchildrens graveside. "I'm sorry for everything that has happened, but I promise you both I will make up for all the damage I've caused. I love you both so much, I'm gonna take care of our Family" and Negan turns his head as he sees Troy from afar talking with Anna as he laughs with Anna and Negan glares over at Troy as he drinks his water.

Negan, Kim and Troy and All The Saviours are standing in the main room all murming

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Negan, Kim and Troy and All The Saviours are standing in the main room all murming. Anna asks impatiently "What are we doing here?!" Kim snaps "Shut up! She will be here!". A moment later Lilly appears on the platform and she looks down at her group as she walks down the platform stairs. Everybody goes quiet as silence fills the room and Lilly looks around at every Saviour and she longingly looks at Troy. Lilly says "Word around here is that I'm weak and broken?" Everybody awkwardly looks away avoiding Lilly's gaze whereas Negan is staring at his Daughter. Lilly says "You bunch of selfish pricks! Negan and me started this group! We created The Saviours! We saved all of you! And this is how you repay me! In one way or another I protected each of you! So who thinks that I'm weak? And that I've lost it?!" Everybody looks down and staying quiet. Lilly nods and says "That's what I thought! You cant say your thoughts to my face but you all had plenty to say behind my back right?!". Negan nervously looks at Lilly and Lilly looks to Lou who has bowed her head down and she says "You have something to say Lou?! Well you should do since you were the one who started this!" Lou shakes her head and Lilly looks to Kim and says "Bring her over here" and Kim nods obeying Lilly's orders. Kim grabs a fistful of Lou's long blonde hair and she drags Lou over towards Lilly and sits Lou down on the chair before Lilly. Lou pleadingly says "Please Lilly" and Lilly says "Well apparently I have lost my fight and I'm broken and weak, so what are you worrying about?" Lilly reaches around the small of her back and takes out her large hunting knife and says "This knife is sharp as fuck. You wanna know why it's so sharp? I sharpening it every night. I'm gonna use my sharp knife on you" and Lilly grabs Lou's face and reaches her hand inside Lou's mouth and grips on to Lou's tongue and she brings the blade to Lou's tongue and she begins to cut her tongue and she slices Lou's tongue and Lou's tongue gets cut off and blood flows out of Lou's mouth and drips down her chin and and Lilly holds the tongue in her hand and Lilly holds her ripped out tongue up in mid air for everyone to see and says "This is what happens to anyone that talks about me behind my back!" Lou begins to cry and she screams in pain. Negan grimaces and Troy and Kim look in shock as does The Saviours. Lilly turns her attention back to Lou and she viciously Lou's eyes and slashes Lou's throat and inserts the knife inside the side of Lou's neck killing Lou instantly. Everyone gasps in shock horror at the brutal murder before their eyes. Lilly darkly glares at everyone and she wipes the blood from her cheek which results smeared blood across her cheek. Lilly says "Just in case you idiots havent caught on yet. I am not weak! What happened to Lou Kelly should be a lesson to you all! If you cross me I will tear you from limb to limb! Never cross or betray me! From now on we are going to war The Whisperers and we are The Saviours and we're gonna kill em all!"


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