40 Home Remedies for Reducing High Cholesterol

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Cholesterol is a greasy substance present in the blood that is required for building healthy cells and maintaining cell membranes. It is basically produced by the human body but can also be taken from food. It also helps convert the sunlight into vitamin D. However, having high cholesterol can increase the risk of heart diseases.

Hypercholesterolemia or high cholesterol increases the risk of coronary heart disease that causes heart attacks. Diet, exercise and weight are the three main factors that can affect cholesterol levels. It starts to rise after the age of 20. So, keep an eye on your weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle, in order to stay away from diseases.

Home Remedies for Dipping High Cholesterol Levels

1. Nuts

Nuts are loaded with healthy monounsaturated fats, proteins, fiber, nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants. One should include a handful of nuts in daily diet. Peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, pecans, and other nuts reduce blood cholesterol. Studies have revealed that eating a quarter cup of almonds a day can lower LDL by 4.4 percent. Moreover, you can consume some roasted almonds without oil. Walnuts contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Chomp them to lower your LDL by 16 percent.

Note – All nuts are high in calories, so avoid overeating.

2. Oatmeal

Oats are considered as traditional cholesterol buster. It is packed with soluble fiber and contains beta-glucans that helps reduce the absorption of cholesterol and lower down its level naturally. You can drop your LDL by 12-24%, if you eat 1½ cups of oatmeal regularly.

3. Onions

Grind an onion in a juicer. Add one teaspoon of honey in a teaspoon of onion juice. Alternatively, take one cup of buttermilk and mix one finely chopped onion along with one-quarter teaspoon of pepper in it. Consume it on daily basis.

4. Orange Juice

Orange juice is a rich source of vitamin C, flavonoids and folate. Drinking 3 cups of fresh orange juice regularly can help you reduce blood cholesterol levels.

5. Coriander Seeds

Studies have shown that coriander can lower the levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides. The seeds of coriander have hypoglycemic effects that are also beneficial for diabetic patients. Take one cup of water and add 2 teaspoons of coriander seed powder to it. Boil this solution for a few seconds, and then, strain. Add some milk, sugar, and cardamom for taste. Drink it twice a day.

6. Red Yeast Rice

Red yeast rice is a traditional Chinese medicine that has been used to lower the cholesterol levels. It contains monacolins, isoflavones, sterols, and monounsaturated fatty acids. For lowering the high cholesterol level, consume 1200 to 2400 mg of the supplement once or twice a day.

Note – It should be used under a physician’s direction.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps lower your triglyceride and total cholesterol levels. It is a very effective remedy for curing a number of ailments. Mix 1 teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it 2 – 3 times a day for at least a month.

Moreover, if you don’t like its taste, you can mix some fresh orange juice, grape juice, apple juice or any of your favorite juice with apple cider vinegar.
8. Fish Oil

Fish oils and fatty fish such as tuna, mackerel, trout, salmon, herring, bluefish and sardines are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. They lower triglycerides and prevent heart ailments. Consume around 1-4 gram of fish oil daily.

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