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I feel bad for being dead for like, 3 months but I'll try to get this one out ASAP!!
July 6/20: started working on it.
July 8/20: finished this chapter


(Y/N)s P.O.V.

I was breathing rapidly, having panic attack, with Donnie here to help me. "(N/N), calm down." He spoke as he pulled me into a hug. It slowed my breathing down a little, that turning into just normal breathing. "Thank you Donnie, I really needed a hug."

"Everybody needs hug once in a while right?" Donnie lightly smiled, I nodded with slight nervousness. I got up from our hug and headed for the door before bad thoughts entered my mind again. "F- frick! What if they don't like me!" I panicked again. You dummy! Just open the door! "Okay, let's go." My hand was on the door knob. I inhaled sharply as I opened the door, creating a creaking sound.

I open the door fully, Donnie coming out too. I held his hand as we walked to the living room. My head down low like always when I'm nervous, but I could just feel the stares, I could never feel the difference between judgement and admiration.. and frankly that scared me.

We were standing beside the 'couch', I finally looked up to see smiles. I was SO confused. "(Y/N)! You're back!" Yells erupted in a squeaky, high-pitched sound. I winced at the sudden sound. "Huh?". I murmured to myself and the second I finished that sentence I was knocked down, into a dog pile. I let out a loud giggle, followed by endless laughter.

I felt complete again, like how your battery percentage would be at max, or when you just finished organizing, it felt nice. "HAHAH! Guys stop! I can't breathe!" I giggled out, as we all got up. Mikey was the first- well, second to properly hug me. I hugged him back with just as much affection. "I thought I lost my best friend, my buddy! MY RIDE OR DIE!" Mikey emotionally shouted while tears formed in his baby blue eyes.

I patted his back- shell, softly. "Yknow, you're my ride or die too, no doubt." I held the now sobbing turtle, feeling his tears wet up my sweater. I notice the other three staring, I smirk and raise my brows. "What am I? Garbage? Get in here!" I spoke as my arms extended to fit in the three.

Here we are hugging and smiling, happy as ever, until the redhead comes in and ruins the moment. I mean, I don't hate her, I dislike her, and from what I'm seeing, the glare means the feeling is mutual. "Hey- woah! Oh uh..I'm SO sorry, I don't think that was me. I don't even know her, and you look SO cool!"  apologized for herself. "No no! It's fine! thanks." I lied, I lied so there would be peace.

We all pulled away but I still hugged Donnie. Seemed like he was annoyed with her too. "Hey Donnie, wanna help me with my homework?" She asked politely, which to Donnie, swiftly shaking his head. "I'm gonna hang out with (Y/N), we need to catch up." My eyes sparked when he spoke. "Movie night?!" I ask excited. He smiles his toothy grin and nods yes.

I punch the air in excitement, I stop and hug him. Resulting in him kissing my forehead. "Let's go." He twirled me around with his hand. I squeeze it, laughing. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me." I cheesily booped his nose, smiling cheekily.

"No you!" He smiled back. Boy oh boy! I love this boy! I grab his arm and run to his room, where his nerdy little inventions lie. "I don't even think I've been in your room, ever!" I stared at some objects in awe. Tapping a few things to see what it does.

"I guess so." He blushed, I chuckled. "Hey, let's not go to sleep late tonight. We have training, patrolling and pizza night-" I added, remembering a few things we had to do tomorrow. I got pushed out of my thoughts when Donnie's arms slithered down my waist and pulled me to the bed.

"How did I get so lucky?" I whispered, asking myself and snuggling in the crook of his neck. "Alright, whatcha wanna watch?" Donnie asked me, picking up his homemade remote and started scrolling through the movies. One caught my eye, 'Flipped.' (If you haven't watched that movie, it's GREAT! But if you don't wanna watch that's completely fine!) "Oouuuu! Let's watch 'flipped'!" I suddenly blurted out.

He clicked on the movie, starting the credits and the studios. "I forgot! Let me go get some pop corn!" I got up from Donnie's grasp and sprinted from the rooms, to the living room, to the kitchen, all with weird looks. I grinned at all of them, holding up a peace sign.

I run into the kitchen, not knowing a friends is standing here. I go to the cupboards and open each and every one of them. Eventually find them in the second cupboard. I smile while I place the popcorn in the microwave, letting it pop for 2 minutes and 40 seconds.

I found myself toying with one of my bracelets I had on, until a voice spoke to me. "Hey." I look up, to meet the eyes of blue. Leo, shoot! "Hey Leo! Just makin' some popcorn." I pointed to the microwave, watching it twirl around a few times. "Why? You watching some movies?" He asked, leaning on the island in the middle on the kitchen.

"Yeah, me and Donnie. Of course." I fiddled with my bracelet. "Oh? Okay then, don't sleep too late. We have trai-" I cut him off. "Yeah yeah, training." I sighed, not wanting to do training. He walks out chuckling to himself. Bingggggggggggg! The microwave sounds off. I got a bowl and some melted butter, I opened the microwave and grabbed the bag of pop corn carefully.

I spilt the popcorn in the bowl and started putting the butter in it, sticking my tongue out in the process. I looked at it before judging it, beautiful, and deliciously buttery! I quickly run back to his room, accidentally spilling no more then 15 popcorn pieces.

I open the door quietly and closing it quietly. Jumping onto his bed, already munching on some popcorn.

4 movies later

I was snuggled up against his chest as I used it to cover my face. We were watching Insidious! And right when author chan wrote that, a jump scare appeared on the screen and I screamed. "Oops." I whispered, quieting  myself down. I yawned, suddenly feeling tired. Maybe, just maybe, close my eyes for two minutes...

"Okay okay, so I fell asleep? So what? I got training in the morning!"

Heya! I'm so sorry I don't post often, I felt bad so, here you go! I'll be trying to update on my other books too! Check them out, unless if your not a twdg or it fan. Heh, bai!


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