Who are you?

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Your P.O.V

I... I woke up from.. what was it again?? I can't remember.. but I look around the room that I'm in and I see a dark figure working on something... "H-Hello?..." I say to the dark figure, he flinches and slowly look at me, "(Y-(Y/N)?" He says, I nod suddenly he yells something like "Guys! (Y/N)'s awake!!!" Three other dark figures run into the room and the quickly look at me. One small figure comes up to me and says "I missed you so much (Y/N)!!" "What're you talking about?, I've never met you guys, Who are you?"

Leo P.O.V

Yep, I knew it. She lost her memory, "(Y/N)..." She looks at me, I wonder what she's thinking... "So... do you guys play games? Or spar, because I see you guys with ninja weapons.." she says "Yeah, we train.. Mikey, I told you she'll lose her memory, look at her now!" Donnie says, and then, of course another argument happens. "Stop it guys! We still have a huge problem!" They all stop once I yell at them. "Donnie make a cure ASAP." He nods and leaves

Donnie P.O.V

I start looking for ingredients for a cure for (Y/N), now that (Y/N) actually lost her memory, I feel really bad. ill try to appreciate her a little more, yknow, try to be closer... minutes later, I hear a quiet knock at my door. It's (Y/N), "Hey (Y/N), why are you here?" I say while working. "Oh nothing, I'm just bored." She says, "And.. I never got your guys names." she says again. "Donnie. Donnie's my name, and the he guy in the red is Raph, blue is Leo, orange-" She interrupted "Mikey, I know. I heard you guys arguing." She heard us arguing?! I nervously chuckle. "Yeah... we kinda do that everyday" I say, she's... she's looking.. kinda stunning... Wait?! No did I just say that?! No! I'm in love with April! Not (Y/N)! But then, I didn't notice that I was in my own wonderland, and just staring at her. "Donnie? Donnie!" She keeps repeating. Finally.. I snap out of it, I shake my head and chuckle. "Haha! I'm sorry.. I kinda... zoned out.. haha.." I say. "Why don't we join the others?" I spit out. She nods and I drag her out of my lab, I guess my love potion has to wait...

Leo P.O.V

I was watching Space Heroes, then I hear a couple of feet sprinting towards me, I look behind me to see (Y/N) and Donnie together, I hear (Y/N) say "Yes! Space Heroes is on!", she's sprints towards the TV and sits down. I look at her for a while and blush. I look back at the screen. We finish the episode, then we patrol.

As soon as we got to the flies lab, Donnie had an idea, as usual. "if Dexter Boxman made her evil, then he must have a cure for (Y/N)'s memory loss" "Genius! Great thinking Donnie!" I complement Donnie. "Yes! I can be... *smoke bomb* turflytle!! Buzz buzz!" Mikey says. "Oh boy.." Raph says So.. this mutant fly made me evil..?" (Y/N) says. I nod in reply, and she looks mad, and curious. "So for the plan I was thinking I distract Mr. Fly over there, and you guys steal whatever you need for me." I smile and nod again. We look down at the window below us, and see Dexter down there. I make signals on what to do. "3... 2... and 1! Go!" I say. They all get into place.

Your P.O.V

I swiftly sprint to my place and say, "Hey! Bug!" I get a response with a gasp and a glare. "What're you doing here? Are your boyfriendzzz here?" Dexter says. "Sadly no.. they wouldn't come, because of a mission." I argue back "Anyways, shall we start... Dancing with weapons?" He shakes his head. "As much as I want too, Master wantzz you in one piece." I look at where Leo's at, he looks at me worried, then other places to make him seem I'm not suspicious. "What do you mean bug?" I say, "I'll never know if it's a trap." Dexter laughs, "I change my mind, let'zzz dance." I chuckle, bring out my bow and arrow, then he brings out his daggers. 'Oh hurry Leo!' I think without a sweat

He attacks and throws his dagger at me, but I catch it, throw it back like a boomerang. I shoot at him but he maneuvers then I miss. "Tough little bug aren't you?" I say. He flies up and says "That's just practizzze" 'what does he mean.. Practizzee?' I was zoning out, so Mr. Bug dropped his dagger on my foot while flying "Oopzz..." he says while me and him chuckle. I grab a arrow and aim for his wing, bullseye! Got him. I hear the sign for us to go. "Gotta go dexter! Maybe fight with you later! Ciao!"I wave as I jump to the windows, then I faintly hear "I'll get you someday!"..

Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not uploading! Just got so much things on my way! Promise I'll upload every Monday! :c Promise! And as always... BAI MAH KUNOCHIS AND NINJASSS💜💜⚔️🛡~KimSlare

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