Chapter 22

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When Mia and Jack arrived at the school yard, Mia saw Emily talking to a group of friends outside. She hoped Emily wouldn't notice her walking in with Jack, but much to her dismay, Emily turned just in time to see them approaching together.

Emily broke away from her friend group and walked up to Mia and Jack. She had an odd smile plastered on her face.

"Hi! You walked to school together, I see." Emily said.

"Uh, yeah..." Mia replied. "But don't get the wrong idea, we just happened to meet up on the main road..." She added with a nervous laugh.

Jack raised an eyebrow at her.

Mia elbowed him in the side.

"R-right." He said quickly. "Just a coincidence." He had no idea why she didn't want to admit they walked together, but he decided not to question it.

"Mhm." Emily said doubtfully.

Mia couldn't help but feel guilty for lying to Emily, but she didn't know how to tell her she couldn't stop being friends with Jack. She knew she would have to tell her at some point, but she needed some time to figure out how.

"Oh!" Emily spotted Aren walking onto school grounds behind them. "Aren!" She called.

Mia's face went pale.

Jack looked down at her with concern.

Aren didn't respond, he just kept his head down and kept walking past them. He headed into the building without looking back.

Jack let out a sigh of relief but when he glanced at Mia, she still looked shaken. Annoyed, he turned to Emily.

"What the hell, Emily?" Jack snapped.

Emily looked at him innocently. "What?"

"You know they aren't on good terms, what the hell was that?" He demanded.

Emily turned a bit red. "I just..."

"You just what??" Jack fumed. "I knew you were dense, but-"

"Stop." Mia interrupted. "She didn't mean any harm and it's not a big enough deal to get all mad..." She tried to act unbothered, but she still looked hurt after seeing Aren.

Jack deflated a bit. He took a deep breath. "Fine...."

Emily stared at him. She didn't know anyone could make Jack shut up this way.

Jack turned back towards Emily. "You're lucky Mia's too nice for her own good." He glanced down at Mia fondly.

This bothered Emily even more than him yelling at her.

"Let's just go inside." Mia said softly. "School starts in two minutes."


Aren's perspective:

Aren walked into the school yard and, out of the corner of his eye, noticed Mia and Jack talking to Emily. He kept his head down, hoping they wouldn't spot him.

"Aren!' Emily called out to him.

He kept walking until he was inside the building. Once he was inside, however, he stopped for a moment to listen to what they were saying.

He heard Jack's annoyed voice. "You know they aren't on good terms, what the hell was that?"

Aren couldn't help but note that Jack was even defending Mia emotionally. He really was good at protecting her. Aren shook his head and decided not to torture himself by eavesdropping. He kept walking. A part of him was relieved Mia was in good hands. 

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