Chapter 7

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(WARNING: This chapter contains attempted sexual assault.)  

Saturday night came along in what felt like the blink of an eye. Mia and Aren arrived at the house where the party was being held, and they could hear the music blasting inside even from the street. They looked at each other apprehensively, neither one of them really wanting to go inside. Mia took a deep breath. They approached the door. There were a few kids sitting on the porch, drinking and laughing and messing around. Mia and Aren stepped around them and opened the door. The music was even louder than she expected, and the fact that so many kids were yelling their conversations with each other over the music didn't help the situation. Party lights were flashing in the dim room and nearly everyone was drinking. They stepped inside.

Mia turned to Aren. "Stay here," she suggested. "I'll go find Jack as quickly as possible and come right back."

Aren nodded, then looked around for somewhere to sit.

Mia went off pushing her way through the crowd, calling Jack's name. Suddenly she heard someone shout her name, and she turned to see who it was. She hoped it was Jack, but saw only Chris coming towards her. His expression said he was looking for trouble and Mia felt uneasy.

"Have you seen Jack?" Mia asked loudly, trying to be heard over the noise.

Chris looked left, then right. He shrugged. "I'm sure he's around," he yelled back.

"He didn't come with you?" Mia questioned.

"We arrived together, sure, but I'm not his babysitter. He's probably off drinking with some girls." Chris smirked.

Mia rolled her eyes and pushed past Chris to continue her search.

Chris grabbed her wrist and pulled her back so that she stumbled into him.

"Hey!" Mia yelled. "Let go!"

"I don't see your boyfriend with you," Chris teased.

"For the last time, he's not my boyfriend!" She yelled. "Now let go!" She tried to twist her wrist out of his grip, but he held on too firmly.

Chris looked amused by her anger. "Whoa, there. I thought you wanted me to help you find Jack." He grinned.

Mia stopped struggling and looked at him doubtfully.

"I'll help you, really." He said.

Mia narrowed her eyes at him. "I don't believe you."

"Well, you'll never find him in this crowd on your own. You can either take my help or spend the whole night searching."

Mia hesitated for a moment, then sighed. "Fine." She said. "Lead the way."

Chris smiled with satisfaction. Still holding her wrist, he led her through the crowd.

"Where are we going?" Mia asked impatiently.

"To Jack," Chris called over his shoulder. "He's in the guest bedroom."

Mia had a bad feeling about following Chris, but she didn't seem to have much of a choice. He led her up some stairs. The second floor was quieter than the first floor, although the music could still be heard from below.

"Are you REALLY sure he's up here?" Mia asked nervously.

"For sure, he told me he was coming up here earlier." He said. Chris then opened a door at the end of the hallway and pulled Mia inside. "Here it is, the guest room," he said finally.

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