4: Aramis

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You know that feeling you get when your going up the hill of a roller coaster. The clicking of the chains rise you higher and higher. Your anticipating for the fall. The longer it takes for you to get to the top, you might second guess yourself.
Just as you reach the top, you can see the world, high in the clouds. For only a moment, everything goes in slow motion, as you take in the small world below you.
Then you come crashing down to the Earth at full speed. Now, you know why you got on this ride.
The feel of the air blowing on your skin and through your hair, feeds to your adrenalin rush.
The thrill of the ride is what drew you closer to the drop.

Staring into those Hershey kiss, brown eyes of his, was my high, bliss filled, ride.

The butterflies took me higher. There was only silence. Not even the voices in my head, had one single word to say.
Neither did I.

I guess it's true what people say when their speechless.

We stared at one another on the floor for a long time. Just taking in each other's features.

He had features that could only be born on a Abercrombie model.
His tight clenched jaw, gave him that bad boy look. Along with the scary, claw mark along his neck. Huge muscles were built up underneath his smooth, olive skin.
His long, milky, brown hair, spread out around his head, as he laid there on the ground.

And those full lips!
My tongue flicks out to wet my own as my eyes lingered on them.

They were a soft peach color.

I wonder how they would feel on my own.

"Do you mind getting off of me?" He asked.
It wasn't until now, I realized that I was on top of him.

I quickly get up and ended up tripping on my invisible beanie. I felt it come off of me. A rush of energy blasted through my body. All my full powers snapped into me, like a rubber band. I could feel my fingertips static with electricity.

Strangely, I still heard no voices. Whispering in my head about what to do.

I rushed to find the smooth fabric of my beanie.
When my fingertips brushed the surface, I snatched it up.

"Your new here?" He asked me.

"Uh-yeah. I just moved in down the hall." I said pointing behind me.

I needed to get away from him, so I could put my cloak back on.

My eyes slowly focused on his aura.
It was strange. Nothing like I've ever seen before.

It was silver and white.
White stood for light, but I didn't know what the silver meant. A flicker of black outlined the rest of him. Almost like something evil had tainted him.

A red stone, in the middle of his necklace, sparkled; catching my attention. It hung low around his neck.

"Well I'm Aramis Blade." he says while helping me to my feet. Good grief he was tall! He was like the Eiffel Tower, compared to me.

"I-I'm Layla-Fia Steele." I stutter. I never stutter. My mother, thankfully, didn't past that habit down to me. But with Aramis in front of me, my mouth had a disability to function right.

"Layla-Fia... that's a pretty cool name." he said.

"Thanks." I blush.

"Air-ah-misssssss!!!" Screams a high pitched tone.

We both turn to look in the direction of the voice.
A girl in ripped up shorts and galaxy-unicorn shirt walked up to us.
Her soft pink, bubblegum colored hair, bounced as she walked. Her blue eyes sparkled with joy when she spotted Aramis. She was gorgeous in a unique way.

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