15: Hearts Desire

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(Song: Taste by braids)


I was shoved into a vacant room. A male with blonde hair and grey eyes stepped in with me. He kept his hands on his weapons.

This has been the longest time I've been without my beanie on. I was petrified of what I might do. Somehow I managed to contain myself. Yet, I don't know how long I'll last before I explode.

"There are clothes in the bathroom. Go change, clean yourself up, and don't get any of your demon slim on anything." he says.

A low growl slipped from my mouth.

"Did you just growl at me?" He snatched out what looked like a cross bow gun. It pulsed with life as he aimed it at me.

The door burst open, and in walks Aramis. "I'll take it from here Joseph." he says while resting his hand on his shoulder.

Joseph glared at me before turning to leave. Aramis locked the door.

I turned on my heels and stomped off to the bathroom. There was no way I was staying in the same room as this heartbreaker!

"Layla, let me explain." he calls out, but I slam the door in his face.

On the tub I found a white cotton rob, next to black sweats, and an oversized t-shirt.

I sighed as I began to undress.
My body could sense Aramis in the other room. We were so close. My lips could still remember the taste of his mouth on my flesh.

I started the bath water, hoping that a long, hot, bubble bath would take my mind off the unwanted person outside my door.

But as usual, my mind decided to fight against me.

More thoughts of Aramis filled my mind.
I slid my hand down my stomach.
Closing my eyes and remembering his own hand touching my skin.

There was a fancy portable shower head, connected to the tub. I grab it and switch it on. I changed the water pressure on it. I sunk to the bottom of the tub, as I put the shower head down below.

The pressure felt good against my clit. More memories of Aramis flooded my brain.

His body against mine. How I fit perfectly in his frame, just like mold. The way he said my name before he climaxed. How he would look at me and see the real me under the barriers I put up. And that stupidly, cute, smile of his.

The pressure between my legs intensified with each passing thought.

As much as I didn't want to admit it, I couldn't go on in the world without....

"Aramis!" I screamed out as I finally reached my climax. Water sloshed everywhere from me shooting up for air.

The door flew open.
Aramis had his sword out, ready to fight.
He looked around confused, when he saw that there was no danger. His sword vanished. He took in my naked body with a bewilderment. Quickly, he looks away to speak.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
His jaw clenched. I teleport behind him. I answered by only hugging him instead.

"Aramis..." my voice cracked.
I buried my face into his back. Taking in a deep lungful of his lemony-pine scent.

I missed seeing him. I needed him so badly. My succubus side washed over me. For the first time, I didn't fight its need. I couldn't stay mad at him. I was mostly upset with myself then him. I know I can trust him. If I read his mind, I would hear only thoughts of how much he adored me.

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