3: First impression

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"This is your key and campus badge. If you need anything just go to the front office, down the hall." She tells me. I learned that her name was Libby.

She had bleach blonde hair that looked fried from all the chemicals she put in her head. It was cut pixie style on top of her head.

She chewed obnoxiously on peppermint flavored gum.

I took the key away from her and opened the door.

Two girls were making out in the bed.

One had jet black hair and almond shaped eyes. She had on gothic, black emo clothes. Complete with chains and piercings. Her body was covered in tattoos. The other girl had bright red hair. She had a burgundy beanie on her head, and a black sweat jacket on, with ripped up jeans, and black Doc Martins. Big black glasses were propped on her nose, in front of the biggest set of brown eyes I'd ever seen.

"Alexandra!" Libby shouted, flustered with embarrassment.

"Oh come on mate. Don't act like you didn't enjoy our little show!" The red head said. She had a thick Australian accent.

"Alright Coco, looks like we can't have anymore fun." Alexandra says in dramatic defeat.

Coco gets up to leave. She paused to give me a once over.

I made my eyes flicker with anger. Warning her to stop starring at me.

She quickly moved out the way with a dazed expression.

Crap, I forgot. No powers.

I sigh.

"This is your new Dorm-mate, Layla-Fia Steele." Libby says with a forced smile.

"Like as in the Steele?" Alexandra asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yep, that's my dad." I mumble.

"Cool! I get to room with a star child! Wait, is it true that your parents adopted you? I mean I know it sounds impossible for them to have you at such a short time... but you look exactly like your father, and your mom too."

"I really don't want to talk about it." I averted my eyes on the ground.

My parents had the whole hospital mind-wiped, of any memory of my birth there. My dad made my birth certificate look as if they adopted me. The one thing they couldn't change, was how much I favored in the same characteristics as them.

Especially my father's eyes.

"Treat her like any normal student here. Now, I hope you like it here at NYU, Miss Steele." with that said, Libby turns to leave.

"It's just Layla." I call out to her. But she was already gone.

I began unpacking my things, on my side of the room.

Alexandra's side was messy and unkept.

She had posters of Sleeping with the Sirens, Skrillex, David Guetta, even some of Calvin Harris.

"So what are you going to major in?" I asked. I already knew the answer to my question, but I wanted to start a conversation.

"I want to become a DJ master! I'll be known all across the world with my music. I can let you listen to one of my tracks if you want."

"Maybe later, but thanks." I say.

There was a soft knock on the door. A small guy stumbled into the room. He had sandy brown, colored hair and hazel eyes. He was wearing a black Star Wars shirt, and faded blue jeans, with a pair of white converse. He was extremely skinny and lanky looking, in his oversized shirt.

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