19: The Call of the Dark Soul

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(Song: Drive by Oh wonder)

Layla-Fia P.O.V

"Aramis, where's ginger?" A blonde girl hunter asked as we walked to our room. Her British accent was very thick when she spoke.

"She should be here. Why, what's wrong?" He asked.

"She hasn't showed up for lunch and you know she's always the first one in line."
Aramis cocks his head to the side. "I can't connect with her through the Demi-hunter bond."


My heartbeat lurched in my chest. Who said that?
It sounded like it came from my head. It wasn't Lib or Vix either.
This voice gave me goosebumps over my skin. It was filled with such darkness.

My sweet Dark Queen. Come to me. The voice beckoned. I found myself slowly drifting away from reality. Something deep within me wanted to follow the voice.

"Layla?" Aramis voice snapped me out my daze.
"Huh?" I said in a dreamy tone.
"You coming?"

"Of course." I say.

It seemed like hours with us calling out to Chloe. We sent a search party out for her. We couldn't find her anywhere.

Aramis rushes over to me.
"Do you think that you can search for her soul?"
His question struck me as odd. "I've never used my fathers abilities. Their a lot harder to harness." I tell him.

It was true. I never actually used any of his abilities, nor my mothers. I am only limited to what I know of my own. "Are sure you can't try?" He adds. I shrug, "I guess I could try." In all honesty, I kind of didn't want to use my powers without my beanie on. It's supposed to protect me from myself. If I'd try to channel my father's abilities, there's no telling what else I could do in the process.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." Aramis tells me.
I give him a sheepish smile. "I'll be fine." I say. I have no idea why I lied to him like that. Maybe it was because Aramis made me not want to run away from myself anymore.
I took a calm breath; focusing on the souls around me. I could feel myself lift off the ground. It was like having an out of body experience. I soon understood what was happening to me. My soul was leaving my body.

Slowly the world grew dark all around me. My breathing slowed down to a steady rhythmic pace. One by one small bits of light began to glow beside me. They grew brighter with each passing second. I could see the difference of each individual balls of fiery light. Each sharing one similar feature. A sharp gash in the center gave off a golden glow in each soul. That must be the souls of the hunter's ancestors. The brightest one of them all was beside me, where Aramis once stood. I must be seeing his soul. Bright swirls of blues and purples danced within the orb. A faint dark hue radiated from it; giving me the impression that he was a demon, but I knew it was just the curse latching onto his pure soul. I searched for the demi-soul that was intertwined with Aramis. I tiny ball of light rapidly rotated around his bigger soul. It reminded me of how the moon orbited around the Earth. Now that I knew what I was looking for to find Chloe, I pushed myself farther. Past the trees filled with tiny creatures who all had remarkable souls. Unlike a humans soul, they were limited to just one color. I was transfixed with these remarkable colors that danced in front of my eyes.

I hadn't noticed a dark gloomy soul that backend me in the distance. At first it taunted me. I ignored it as I searched for Chloe's soul. When it noticed that I didn't pay it any mind, It forced itself into my mental vision.

My body escalated in temperature. The pain from the heat scorched my insides. I wanted to pull back and recoil from the burning. But that would mean loosing my focus on finding Chloe. I heard a loud commotion like someone were shouting. I continued to search. She was so close, I could literally feel her. It seemed like she was trapped in a timeless sleep. But the only person who could actually make a soul shut down into a deep sleep is my dad.

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